Mar 3, 2008
Pictures Of Warts In Throat
. Enter your search words. Director of the development and research of the company Energy, Pharmaceutical and cosmetic company new one progressive method of the reversen regeneration are gegrundet on the principles of the bio information therapy and the getistic admission to humans. It uses the newest realizations of the Psychotronik, Phytoterapie, Homeopatie, Krystaltherapie and bio resonance. In the following it comes to the entire Imunitatsverstarkung. The Bioinformationspraparate developed due to this new method affects the human organism at the same time in several levels. Due to synergy their maximum Wirkungsfahigkeit shows up. The bio information excerpts harmonize the human Personlichkeit. The equilibrium in the Korper develops due to written undertaking symptoms previous illnesses. Each plant, mineral and other materials, which are to be used fur the regeneration, are most effective with the bestimmsten Verdunnungsgrad. In the development of our excerpts this principle in the maximum measure was used. The word "broad-spectrally" says with the fact that each Praparat regenerates several levels at the same time. A large advantage exists in the Kreativitat the use of individual Praparaten and in the simple system. So everyone can ensure due to the Harmonisation fur its health. The absolute health does not exist. Fur the adherence to the optimal condition must one however that systems strong, which are weaker as the others. In the picture you see the interval, in which you move konnen, fuhlen itself in order healthy. If you uberschreiten the border of the harmony, become ill. Due to the effect of negative Einflussen the harmony loses itself from the Korper. If the negative condition lasts longer, arrive in the chronic stage of the durable discord. The deep energetic lack and the discord hangen with the Mudigkeitssymptomen and with the whole series of heavy illnesses together. One always finds to at the beginning of the discord and the illness with the Korperenergetik. Without enough-end energy quantity functions to nothing, drive nothing, moves nothing. Why the biological world an exception dartstellen should, why no biological laws should apply in it. It concerns understanding the basic principle of the human existence and the life in space into general. The konnen nevertheless without energy also does not exist. Fruhere civilizations already went out from this knowledge thousands of years ago. Their nature teachings and the human regeneration ways had achieved the grosste level, and not only in the Orient. The franzosischen scientists proved that the meridiane really exist. Schlussel to the Praparatbestimmung and the system of taking. Vironal - fur the regeneration prepares a periphery, which shelves will affect. Shelves - fur the regeneration prepares a periphery, which Renol will affect. Renol - fur the regeneration prepares a periphery, which Korolen will affect. Gynex - fur the regeneration prepares a periphery, which Korolen will affect. Each Praparat has a portion to the Imunitatserhohung due to the Harmonisation of the zustandigen energetic courses of our organs. The balanced energetic lack causes the better organ function. By excluding from Toxinen from the Korper by means of Phytostoffe and bio information this process becomes many times faster. Therefore one pays the regeneration in the Pentagram to world pieces of news, which are to be spread into all parts of our miracle-preserved planet. We imagine the regeneration in the Pentagram like a unendende loop. We konnen uberall begin, but always mussen we know, what we want to reach. * In the case that in the Korper micro organisms before-weigh, we begin the regeneration with Vironal, otherwise one can begin with shelves. We begin with such Praparat, whose Regenerationsmoglichkeiten the given area at the nahesten is. * The nachste way is ahnlich. For example: They have the headache within the range of the Halswirbelsaule in the direction to the ear we to look us the illustration of meridianen on and to place firmly that by these places of the Gallenblasemeridian goes through. One takes the Praparat shelves to Fur the regeneration, because it has a relationship with this meridian. Thus one resembles the discord in this course and the pain disappears. We proceed ahnlich also in other traps. * One knows a simple Praparatbestimmung also in accordance with-ate fig. NR. 2 drove through, on which the pair organs and the relationship with Praparaten are angefuhrt. Of each Praparat contain something else that needs the organ for the moment. Fur the easement of the selection of the gunstigen Praparates serves the illustration of the individual courses with their descriptions on the pages 10 - 19. * Fur other regulation way one knows turns out uses, which works on the principle of the EAV method. * Into the last regulation way one can incorporate also different psychotronische methods. Each humans are to be incorporated into a certain type. Someone is a "type of kidney", someone is a "type of liver", which nachste can problems with the geschwachten lung function have. Someone can be also a type of mixing, with which several organs are geschwacht at one time konnen. Thus one can make few. We konnen however these organs strong, with which we eliminate negative discord features of energetic courses of in such a way geschwachten organs konnen. The Schwachung of the energetic course of the organ shows up in the entire human constitution. That joints are handicapped and muscles, where the geschwachte energetic course goes through. To determine itself Bemuhen it, humans correspond to which Praparat due to his constitution and are which organs with him to strong. After taking the appropriate Praparatmenge, which we gewahlt ourselves as Grundpraparat, we continue due to the angefuhrten quantity. To intended a time we however always come for the Praparat zuruck, which we called first. Hereditary arrangements or the Schwachung of a certain Korperorgans signal that to use prefer this organ from time to time to the others and it again to strong. Someone needs fur the regeneration or Verstarkung only one bottle, which other one will need more. Everyone is different, therefore everyone must come closer to the regeneration individually. One can determine the order of the Praparatseinnehmens other and with different test methods details. It is also the combination of 2 Praparaten moglich. The second Praparat, which is taken in smaller doses, helps only with the acceleration of the process already begun the regeneration. Most easily is to be combined with other Praparaten Vironal. A taking of the bulk serums to Praparatenmenge at one time or even their combinations bring no effect. In the human Korper the equilibrium must to be prevailed under individual organs and systems as also in nature. Each deviation from the normal condition one can hold fur a discord symptom or fur an illness symptom. In first row one must count on the fact that the regeneration does not depend on how large Praparatdose will take its Korper. An important role plays here the time. In such trap is it on the fact to be counted that you achieve real results only in a langeren time konnen. Perhaps you will be pleasantly uberrascht and we will hope that you will not be enttauscht. Many thousands of years ago the bases of the traditional Chinese medicine developed. At that time one did not use date "illness", did not speak one more uber a Gleichgewichtsstorung at that time. The people were used to select the physician with first felt illness symptoms. In order somewhat more spater, approximately before 2500 years, Hippokrates, the Medizinurvater, the Fahigkeit of the human Korpers has to heal itself praised. It called this Fahigkeit physis. We look at ourselves Pentagram, the fig. NR. 2, that in the form of a Funfzipfligsternes. This picture can serve you as aids with the regeneration. To each Praparat a certain organ and its pair coworker, to element, are assigned characteristic, taste, season. The system of 5 elements and their mutual relations facilitates an understanding of the whole Pentagrams. We drove an example furs improve an understanding on. The ungenugende kidney function aussert itself outward with the fear and with the worse Gehor. The Leberbeschadigung aussert itself more demgegenuber with that bad one, the anger, with the aggravated eye function. You find the ausfuhrliche description of Verhaltnissen between the elements in the Buchern, which treat the Orientphilosophie and medicine. - it exists a connection between the lungs and the liver. If someone has problems with the gallenblase, which is the pair organ to the liver, should itself first with the lungs beschaftigen. - for the problems with the kidneys it is to be directed also well the attention also toward the liver. Kidneys and liver form namlich in the Korper a Barterie, where +Pol and the kidneys pole represent the liver. In addition these two organs are the grundpfeiler of the detoxikation of the organism. The Verhaltnis applies also in reverse. Before you reach thus for a guaranteed hair shampoo, reach at the same time also for Renol, which activates the Nierenergie. - if the problem down is, appears its consequences also above, and turned around. This rule aussert itself negatively particularly in the human Psychik. Wood - the stature and the structure of substance water reprasentiert - reprasentiert the flowing, mobile, excluding element metal - the hard one, expansive strength and those defense symbolizes earth - corresponds to the taking up, however also zerstorenden element fire - reprasentiert the warm one, which glow so simply have we only one part of Verhaltnissen described, which exist under individual Korperteilen. There is a whole set of Verhaltnissen, both between the organs, and between individual systems. We remind that there is with the charge the straight large toes, into whose area it to and run gene come ourselves. Not zufalligerweise goes through here its energetic course. This connection erwahne I still in the part, which is dedicated to the Praparat Gynex. For the compensation of this problem we carry the dark eyeglasses, whereby however do not eliminate this problem. Into this group gehoren also many sportsmen, who in the large measure anabolische Praparate take. Then it does not uberrascht that itself the difficulties of a certain organ completely elsewhere and on another way aussern. Just that way the cause of Augenschwulsten is to be found not in them, but in the kidneys. Note that itself the energetic Storungen of individual organs in the process of their energetishen courses and their reflex zones aussern. The allocation from meridianen to the Bioinformationspraparaten and its description - meridian fur the lungs, the spleen, in addition, fur the large intestine - fur liver, gallenblase, fur three emitters - meridian of the Empfangnisses, of three emitters - Leitmeridian fur the heart, three emitters, and fur close intestine each korperlichen principal organ a color and a taste are assigned to meridian. The food of the same taste and the same color affects then particularly this organ. Herb and head salad help the liver and the Galle. Red - of the paprika up to the tomato - the heart and the blutkreislauf verstarkt. Yellow, banana and lemon, affect positively our senses (physical on the gallenblase). Sour cucumber and inserted Gemuse the strong liver, bitter Gemuse more demgegenuber the blutkreislauf and the intestine. Who likes naschen, something does fur his stomach and spleen, because the susse taste verstarkt these organs. Sharp Chilli cleans the lungs and the large intestine, salt herring helps then the kidneys and the bladder. Do not forget however that much can to always harm and work can-schematic illustration the energy circulation in the organism many times in reverse protecting a 24-stundigen cycle. The time of the maximum Aktivitat of 12 basic courses is designated. It will describe us for example sharp pain up to the left small finger on the hand. Read the description of the heart course in the regeneration in the Pentagram on the side, which physical and psychological problems become with their discord aussern. Humans with the infarkt myocardium will describe us most from here angefuhrten problems. Look at yourselves the picture of the organ clock. The numbers here the hours are named and the Aktivitatsminimum of the zustandigen organ. Minimum Aktivitat is ever around 12 hours more spater. In the picture it is always the gegenubergelegte organ. The Praparat Korolen corresponds to hot summer, the heart and the pair organ of the close intestine at most. We konnen ahnicherweise also continue to proceed. In addition still are in the picture. to each organ still the sense and the characteristic assigned. The bladder, the Praparat Renol corresponds to the kidneys and the pair organ, at most. To the kidneys also the water and not zufalligerweise correspond ensure the kidneys with their pair aid fur the water management. The Cremeaplikation on dry Hande does not draw the problem durably, only fur one moment. We mussen always according to the cause of the illness look and not for their outer run gene. We konnen only in such a way the health "reach". The time assigned to the kidneys is the winter, which can also say us that we feel in our members cold ones konnen. Already many people at geschwachten kidneys suffered surely. 2 we experience the appropriate taste and the appropriate characteristic. We konnen state that the geschwachten kidneys become outward with the Angstgefuhlen aussern. The assigned salt taste becomes this organ strong. We remember here the nachste rule. Large doses work in reverse, as small. Ahnlicherweise intend ourselves we organs and Verhaltnisse also nachste for the Praparaten. The at the beginning of the emergence of this excursion reaches into the time inside, when the woman participated in the Begrabnis of her sister. In a few days after this event with it this excursion appeared. After fourteen days the excursion began to disappear and in one month was absolutely smooth the skin. In this case the cause of the emergence was large fear and bad Gefuhle, which caused death of their sister. The fear, as one knows, at most the kidneys and therefore appeared beschadigt the excursion straight at a place of the kidney reflex zones. By means of bio therapy the energetic discord of the zustandigen course balanced and the excursion disappeared. It seems unverstandlich, but who knows the Korperenergetik and permits its Wirkungsfahigkeit, is not uberrascht. Angine means also the Nierenschwachung, because by the neck their energetic course goes through. With the Angine should we it strong, for example by the fact that we drink heath herb dte and take the Praparat Renol. By the expiration of course one can judge that also the Wirbelsauleschmerzen the cause has elsewhere than in it. The Skoliose is also one that outer run gene of the Schwachung of a certain organ, above all the kidneys and the bladder. We look at ourselves the energetic courses of these organs details. Zufalligerweise do not find you their expiration in eddy-sow-liver-calibrate. The headache has also different causes and an analgesic does not have always the best the matter to be. Still I know an example of a small Madchens started, with which the warts in the handflat appeared. Ursprunglich had it only one wart and after the burning out out was fully with these warts besat their handflat. If it should be normal, the warts did not become after the burning out out any more to appear. The kidneys were here geschwacht. After the compensation of the energetic course the warts disappeared allmahlich. Hence it follows that that recovers itself relatively humans with the Korperdetoxikation partly also after the organ hours arrange can. Verkostigung, organ hours and three basic principles it commodity ideally in accordance with-ate organ hours to at nine o'clock to fruhstucken, when the Gallenblaseaktivitat begins to sink. We just that way determine that spate the meal is also not suitable, D the time, when the Tatigkeit of the gallenblase and liver at the grossten is asks you after these two basic principles to arrange itself and is you also more massively in the meal. They and your organs become then more content. The Meridianabweichungen is interrupted illustrated. From the lungs it sets up to air tubes and into the throat. Out of the throat it goes crosswise into the shoulder-hollow up to the thumb point, where it ends. This branch crosses the large intestine course. Physical outer run gene of the energetic imbalance: hangen with the individual functions of the lungs together. Psychological outer run gene of the energetic imbalance: the lung course on the Handen. Continued to drive it into the stomach, go more uber the zwerchfell, to speiserohre, close at tongue root at and under it loses itself it. Their branch separates from the stomach, drove more uber the zwerchfell and flows into the heart. Physical outer run gene of the energetic imbalance: Stiffness of the tongue root, vomiting after the meal, stomach pain, diabetes. psychological outer run gene of the energetic imbalance:. the spleen course on the legs. A branch goes from the eye nerves into mouth and turns the lips from the inside. The last short branch goes out from the liver, more uber the zwerchfell and zergeht in the lungs. Gemass some sources goes it however into the stomach and to the middle emitter. Physical outer run gene of the energetic imbalance: Except illnesses, which zusammenhangen with the liver function, z. Schwanzschwulst with Mannern and Unterleibschwulst are connected local Storungen to erhohte Mudigkeit with Mrs., difficulties with rumpfbewegungen, ear and headache, vomiting, failure problems, blockage, digesting problems, urine problems, with the course also. The face is drying and has the staubfarbe. Switch, weak nail, dull hair. Psychological outer run gene of the energetic imbalance:. the liver course on the legs. Physical outer run gene of the energetic imbalance. It affects also the bones, although this function the kidneys going place. Headache on the forehead and within the eye range. Psychological outer run gene of the energetic imbalance the course of the gallenblase on the legs. Behind the ear separates still another branch, which penetrates in the ear and continues to go into the eye. Physical outer run gene of the energetic imbalance:. Psychological outer run gene of the energetic imbalance: in social relations one has problems, ubermassige Fursorglichkeit fur itself and fur the approaching EN the course of 3 emitters on the legs. Their nachster branch goes out of the lungs, drove into the heart and collects themselves in the chest center. Physical outer run gene of the energetic imbalance:. Psychological outer run gene of the energetic imbalance: mental unrest, indecision, Angslichkeit, Unschlussigkeit, relations illusion, cynicism, suspicions, forgetfulness, geschwachte motivation, Gefuhle of the hopelesness, Tendention to the mourning, Angstgefuhle. the kidney course on the legs. From here it sinks down, on the splenius of the neck branches itself it into two arms. The internal shoulder pursues the Wirbelsaule annahernd up to the kreuzbein. Within the waist range it has a connecting line with the kidneys and the bladder. Physical outer run gene of the energetic imbalance: Hair loss, the hair loses its gloss and becomes grey, Zahnbeschadigungen, Horigkeitsprobleme, mobility loss of the small toe, ungenugende Sehneernahrung in the Korper, Kaltegefuhl in the members. Psychological outer run gene of the energetic imbalance: Unrest, Angstlichkeit, Schuchternheit, Rucksichtlosigkeit, foolishness, Nachlassigkeit, Hyperaktivitat of the autonomous nervous system with inadequate reactions to the stress, Entspannungsunfahigkeit. the bladder course on the legs. The internal branch is involved to the rear to the steissbein, penetrates into the Wirbelsaule and goes up. Physical outer run gene of the energetic imbalance: with women - Menstruationsprobleme, chest pain, white discharge, inclination to abortions, sediment formation in the abdomen with Mannern - the fracture origin is connected to Unfruchtbarkeit, failure, Harnstorungen, blood breaking, cough, tooth and sore throats, pain both sexes - in the zentrallinie of the front trunk side psychological outer run gene of the energetic imbalance with the function of the course: Emotionslabilitat, Frigiditat, trembling, Nervositat, Sprechstorungen, weak will, Stottern. Physical outer run gene of the energetic imbalance:. Warm and cold sensitivity, dry Gefuhl in the mouth, thirst, heart pain, pain within the range under the ribs and on the internal hand side, Kaltegefuhl in the Handen, are called handflat. Psychological outer run gene of the energetic imbalance: Empatieunfahigkeit, mental unrest, Gefuhlslabilitat, ubermassige Gefuhlsreaktionen, hysteria, Sprechstorungen, the Unfahigkeit of communication, Gedachtnisstorungen, forgetfulness, absentmindedness, Schlafstorungen, erschreckkende dream, Verhaltensstorungen, redseligkeit. the course of the heart on the Handen this central course affected practically the course of the whole organism, it begins in the lower trunk part and has four main branches. Physical outer run gene of the energetic imbalance:. Psychological outer run gene of the energetic imbalance: one is not capable of working schopferisch unselbststandiges judgement, unclear thinking, the Unfahigkeit of the practical implementation of life tarpaulins, erhohtere attention of Detailen, the Gefuhl of the ubermassigen responsibility. Why one should take the Praparate in exactly such order, which was angefuhrt in the beginning, best this idea erklart:. Develop disease and Entzundungsherde and the metabolic products of our "intruders" contaminate our Korper. To the Imunitatsschwachung in the unkleinen measure life environment, stress, also contaminated, different kinds of radiation contribute, for example electromagnetic smog and other negative environmental influence. We feel it not immediately, because they work weakly, it are however a kontinuelles process. Due to the effect of all civilization factors it comes in today's technical world to allmahlichen human degeneration. The following generation carry a certain genetically given Schwachung and at the nachsten generation it will be still worse. Certain symptoms of the degenerative processes are to be observed ubrigens at the jungsten generation. In the time horizon of some decades one can observe also these small differences. Its state of health humans can mostly affect. Some people beschadigen their health with different civilization achievements consciously, others make themselves it unconscious. If our children are born and our organism is beschadigt, this Beschadigung can affect also their genetic arrangement. This trend bestatigt also the fast stature of Alergien and Storungen of the Imunitatssystems. Also new and heavier illnesses appear. New mutations of micro organisms become more perfectly, more complicated and their Agressivitat rise. Our defense exists in the perfectly functioning Imunitatssystem. That is the Schlussel of humans fur the future and its grosster Beschutzer. Therefore we catch the entire regeneration process with the Praparat Vironal. Specializes in the micro organisms, with which humans at the haufigsten step into contact. As follows from the folder, Vironal affects above all the meridian of the lungs and the spleen. Gemass of the traditional Chinese medicine is understood the spleen as entrance gate of the solar power, which revives the roughmaterial Korper. With its strength it supplies to each cell energy. Without energy no human nature can exist. The spleen and the stomach digest the food, confound it into postnatale Essenz ting and attachment orders it into the lungs. Owing to the renewal of the correct spleen and lung function we secure fur the beginning the optimal quantity of the life energy and make ourselves the first step on the way to the health. Now one can begin with the nachsten phase, which represents the erhohtere detoxikation of the Korpers. Everyone of 5 Praparaten affects the detoxikation, however shelves is specialized in it. Detoxikation is a basic process, which the cells aware of-performed that they increase normally konnen and that they work normally konnen.Wenn you with the detoxikation of your Korpers begin, no drastic Diaten dafur will then need you that you decrease. If allles functions in such a way, as it is to function, and if its genetic Ausrustung is good, do not increase. In such condition no megadoses of vitaminen and elements help humans, because the assimilation process is gestort. The Korper is geschwacht, because it does not get the important materials fur the Ernahrung of the organism. Thus also the other organs are gestort, because between them and the intestine a certain commitment exists. Intestine is a very important organ, fur which we ensures mussen. Who assumes the fact that it acts over gewohnliche waste pipes errs much. It is the garden of the life and death. If the food is divided into the elements which can be used easily in the Zwolffingerdarm owing to the sorgfaltigen work by Ensymstoffen, it goes into the Gedarme. Here it comes to the Ubergabe of building materials to the organism. The speed of the absorption and the Ausnutzungsfahigkeit hangt from the Qualitat the intestine-upperflat, which have about 210 square meters. The upperflat is not smooth in addition, but consists of thousands of small Vorsprungen, which one calls Zotten. Around this perfect Darmausfullung the food worked on by Ensymstoffen goes. On the Ubergang, where the building materials from the intestine in the Kreiumlauf go through, more than 2500 of most diverse Ensymstoffen is active. Our intestine garden settle different type of nutzlichen micro organisms, which always remain in the equilibrium. Due to the haufigen Konsumation of to sussen meals konnen themselves in the intestine different type of mould and refining mushrooms increase. In the following the food begins to refine, to putrid and intestine becomes waste pipe. With repeated errors in the Ernahrung zerstoren ourselves we the intestine as much to erfullen that it up stronghold its function. Cancer can be then a result of this process. Shelves affects above all the meridian of the gallenblase, the liver and the meridian of three emitters. The Praparat contain also special materials, which affect strongly its metabolismus and his detoxikation. They work more uber vegetative nervous system and under connecting pieces so the function of the heart and the function of the nervous system. We beschrankt into our Ernahrung the bitter substances and them with sussen replaced. From the cultural-historical point of view is this fact much meaning. There is also a report more uber offentliches life in China 18. The bitter materials are materials, which were already uberpruft for centuries. In the past the people knew well their effects, which to the education and secretion of Gallensaften contribute. It was several times bestatigt that the people gotten sick with Gallenstein achieved positive result with the drinking of bitter dte. Also most skin diseases have their cause in the bad metabolismus. With ausserer application of classical ointments the problem can be under-printed, however only partly not healed. Uber these organs and their Paargesellschaftler one can affect positively also most Alergien. The Alergieanfang is, where it. In the Chinese medicine the kidneys and the bladder are understood as a unit. The kidneys is one of the most important organs of the human Korpers. There is in them large energy, which is here also again formed. Our Energiequalitat determines above all the Qualitat of the innate energy. Gemass Chinese sources is in the lower trunk part an energy sea steered by the kidneys. If the energy consolidates itself, the life, if it zergeht, develops begins death. The energy, which lies within the range under the belly and between the kidneys, represents the human life. It is the root of 12 meridianen, therefore one calls it as ursprungliche energy. The kidney and Harnblaseschwachung aussert itself with the aggravated function of the Wirbelsaule. All this uberwiegt in the food. Without good kidney function not also the lymphatic system its important Detoxikationsaufgabe can erfullen. The haufige Beschadigung of these organs causes the virus infections, for example different kinds of flu. As an author I know this Praparates the existence of these relations bestatigen. All problems within the basin range are reflected then negatively into the human Psychik and zuruck then again into the function of most diverse organs. Such a charm circle develops, from which one arrives only heavily, if one does not have the correct Schlussel to the health. The Praparat is both the women, and the Mannern determines. The Praparat affects due to its conception the whole hormonale system. Here I might have made attentive on important relations between certain organs and the following health problems. The connection run more uber the cross, the right chest - the left ovary and in reverse. The unausreichende ovary function with the women can zusammenhangen also with large Migrenen. In the case that Gynex do not try commodity with a Migrena effectively, you in a langeren Zeitinterval Korolen to take. It was proven that if humans consume taglich more uber 70 g protein and at the same time take much calcium in the food, z. 1400 mg taglich, nevertheless in impossible urine a grossere quantity was determined, as the quantity, which we gave to the Korper. That means it that most people with the large protein income lose the calcium. This deficit must renew then the Korper of its Vorraten, which primar the bones are. The final result of this process is then calcium deficit in the bones and the emergence of the Ostheoporose. In the case of this illness you konnen the effect of the influence welfare-bringing of Phytostoffen and of bio information try, which is contained in Gynex. Pay attention to it, what you eat. Erhohen it the Gemuseinhalt in your food. Beschranken it however the Konsumation of red meat, sausage, roasted meals and sugars. Gynex is a harmonizing Praparat of ungewohnlicher importance. One can try it just that way as Vironal with toothache or for problems with the gallenblase and with the lungs. With its conception it concerns also the Harmonisation of the courses of these organs. In a certain direction Gynex affects also the liver, but its Spezialisation are the Empfangnisbahn and the entire hormonale imbalance. The Manner konnen it ahnlich like Renol for problems with sex organs uses. New research bestatigen this influence and the world must be surprised. It was stated that these materials, to those z. It sinks the fertility and with Mannchen appears the female symptoms. That was fur the biologists a large Uberraschung. It concerns a kunstlich syntetisiertes hormone, which is the active component of Antikonzeptionspilen. As actually this material in the environment appeared. This Ruckveranderung causes the bacteria materials, which accelerate purification process. The same effects also chemical materials as z. although this material more uber no ahnliche Rektion as z. Estrogen joined, take away he itself nevertheless identically and also many other materials behave themselves just that way. It means that such as hormones behave themselves the whole row of chemical materials konnen, although they do not gehoren to them. Which can mean everything such contaminating the grocery chain fur humans, we konnen to introduce itself now only with difficulty. These materials konnen our hormonales equilibrium storen, just that way as the food, which is rich at protein and fat. The vegetable food is therefore fur our health of great importance. In the plants the Lignan and Phytoestrogenstoffe commit themselves with the fibrous material. Chemically they gehoren into the group of Isoflavonoidenstoffen. There is the materials with two Fenolkernen. With their Molekulaufbau ahneln they the human Estrogenhormonen and prevent themselves the buildup of tumefaction cells in rather small concentrations. If we in addition still bio information erganzen, wars we a product with extraordinary characteristics. It is proven that humans can use the Phytohormone to his favour. Owing to Gynex, which the Phytohormone and the bio information contain, the Korper harmonizes itself. So the Korper can argue with the negatively working materials of the hormonalen character. Of it one of secrets of the nachsten Stufes of the detoxikation and regeneration consists. This Harmonisation is to be used paralell with the classical healing. Each Endokrindruse erfullt in the Korper an important task and secures the correct course of each individual cell by means of hormones. At good health the Endokrindrusen in absolute harmony works. The entrance places of the energy turn with their Regulationstatigkeit furs reaching the equilibrium, the harmony and thus the absolute health (D the energy occurs the organism in the direction of the linkslaufigen spiral and goes out in the rechtlaufigen direction. Drusen with the internal secretion and the entrance places of the energy in the Korper) co-operate in the Korper closely. With its imbalance the illness develops. Allocation from energy centers to hormonalen Drusen.bei women run off the rotation in reverse. If that begins to brake spiral tricks, also the circulation becomes slower or it is blocked. The consequences are then the health aggravation and. If the energetic spiral is gefuhrt in the correct torque, the organism the health becomes and strength zuruckgegeben. For energy renewal carries also the Atemubungen, which korperliche movement, Qualitatskost and the Harmonisation, which were reached owing to Energy Praparate. Our goal is the entire regeneration of our Korpers and its moglichst vervollkkommener course in the high age. We make the funften step, which the Praparat Korolen represents on our way to the gesamtten regeneration. It affects above all the guidance course, the course of three emitters and the course of the heart. Korolen going place to the Pentagramspitze and affects at the starksten the energy of humans. As long as we went through by the whole regeneration series, we made fur the best for the Korper, what we could make. With Korolen under connecting pieces we the blood -, cell and brain regeneration and stabilize the harmonious condition, which we reached up to now. With the entire organism regeneration the Glucktor offnet itself before us. Each illness beschrankt humans in its physical and religious stature. The less we ill are, the better Personlichkeit we become. Our goal is to be lived it moglichst long time. Fur long life mussen the Imunitat, which good course of the hormonalen system and the Korperreinheit on high gradate are kept. An important Imunitatsorgan is the Bries. Have large portion also the marrow, the spleen and the intestinal mucosa. The blood is the Nahrstofftrager, the veins is the routes of transportation, the brain is a central tester. By or by blockages of the organism lose these important circle their Leistungsfahigkeit and the Imunitat sinks. The Korper is then easily infection sensitive and due to the further Schwachung comes it z. to the Mudigkeitssyndrom or it konnen also onkologische illnesses appears. One speaks much uber HIV. Nature offers many nutzliche Natursttoffe and plants, whose effects are to be used when such illnesses well to us. Some might have erwahnen I at least briefly. A not less interesting plant is also an old indianisches herb with excellent effects under the name Lapacho. It is a machtiges Stimulationsmittel with starkeren effects as z. The Indians used it with the healing of onkologischen and blood illnesses. It has also excellent effects more gegenuber the mould. The today's research only bestatigt the realizations of Indians. They konnen the effects of some chemical materials eliminate, which appear haufig in the grocery chain and which many heavier illnesses cause. As we already with Vironal said, the regeneration begin and also end with the elimination of micro organisms in the Korper. The more they increase, the more weakly become our organism. The small micro organisms spread on the Wirtskorper and become allmahlich the winners and the organism are received. In nature competing always repeats itself and uberleben only strong particulars. The naturliche selection in the human society affects also z. taking different antibiotic and other medicines. It is one of Grunden, why a starkerer particular cannot develop, as it functions for example in nature. To let and say die it commodity also ethicalally someone that it was only the naturliche selection. Our large weapon against this variable intruders is a well prepared Imunitatssystem. In Korolen the Phytostoffe and the bio information are represented, those directly the human Imunitat and the brain and cell regeneration strong. As one is to characterize Korolen. If you did not gepruft everything and you anything helped, try this Harmonisationspraparat, for example in three packings. It is only a small, gewohnliche recommendation of a complex with current plants. But straight it is one from most important Schlusseln to the entire regeneration. Sometimes it shows something that one can call small miracle. Each miracle can one however erklaren. Nobody heals, the Korper helps themselves. Arrange after the law of nature and you state yourselves that much Nutzliches is to be used to your favour. In the harmony with naturlichen laws to live large Moglichkeiten offers to humans. The principle of the resonance and the effect of the bio information on humans of everything plays itself in accordance with-ate certain information off, in accordance with-ate certain program. It is to be learned moglich to work with these information to our favour straight by means of the bio resonance. Whole very complicated process is not to be described in two Satzen, but the procedure is simpler to erklaren. If we stand in the center of a gehangten Brucke and jump on a place unregelmassig, it comes to no expressionful effect. If we begin to jump rule-massively, the Brucke begins itself to move. It is clear that also a small strength can affect the Korper. It hangt also of it off with which fur a weight we work. The butterfly commodity perhaps not fahig to move the Brucke. All this affects the procedure of the regeneration. With one complain yourself ringing out ELT also the Schussel from Tibet, as well as z. a Kirchenbrucke - all this are the examples of the resonance. Just that way as the resonance existed, also the bio resonance exists. By means of the bio resonance also the written undertaking reactions are to be erklaren with the regeneration. How long it lasts to begin in our Korper reverse regeneration process hangt from our joining in to the certain information off. It is moglich to cause regeneration process with each humans more spater or more fruher. It genugt that the applied information is ahnlich at least little that information, which we want to eliminate. At the same time it comes to the correction of energetic Verhaltnissen in the meridianen and to jerk-turns from lost Kraften. Those jerk-turn to the health is the condition for adherence to the human existence. Fragile Astchen of the plant has a strong in a certain time bitumen-go-rises through-grown. Humans became dafur at least one pneumatic hammer to need. On a ahnlichen principle also the bio information therapy and Homeopathie are gegrundet. In the repetition exists the real strength and all this has its time. After a certain time of the repeated effect the fine information from Praparaten achieves their goal. If you are still correctly for one of the bio information joined in in addition, the bio resonance will then multiply the final result still. As the information comes into the password. It was stated that the water has a Fahigkeit to hold the information. It is given by its structure. Fur someone is the water only a gewohnliche Flussigkeit, but fur the Wissenschftler saves it still much secret. The information ubergehen into the password from the material with sgn. It is a physical process of the repeated Durchschuttelns. The information is to be ubertragen also with other physical procedures. For example by means of more special turn out, with individual information work konnen. They konnen the individual Frekvenzen reflect also in reverse and them into the organism zuruckschicken. turn out for Bicom with the Alergieheilung. The water has the Gedachtnis. The effect of the application disappeared not also after the removal of the field. With nachsten attempts the water the scientists uberrascht again. It was stated that due to more differently physical attempts also its biological characteristics are geandert. Its Molekule are to be formed fahig also high-stable Rektionen, which are ahnlich by their form two connected pyramids. Nobody from the scientific world doubts today that the water can to to few gewohnlichen materials in the earth be paid. The nachste utilization of the Pentagrampraparate it could seem that the Praparate is to be applizieren only inside, but Moglichkeiten also nachste exists. The Praparate is to be used also outside in the envelope form. We always insert the envelope on the ill organ. If our liver is ill, one knows fur regeneration acceleration changes more uber to the liver range to put, whereby we use shelves. The Renolumschlage is to be used with the excursion and with joint pain. Nachste Praparate are to be applizieren ahnlicherweise. This variant with turning over is identical nearly to their classical taking. We form the envelope from the cell cotton wool or from another sucking nature material. First we dampen it with water, then we give the appropriate Praparatmenge and put on the handicapped place. Those turns applizieren we more uber the organs over to 30 minutes approx.. Into the angefeuchten envelope we applizieren 1-3 Teeloffel of the Praparat, in the Abhangigkeit of its large one. In this quantity the Praparate is to be applizieren also in the bath. The use of Praparaten is interesting into the Kosmetik fur the production of different masks and windings. One can applizieren it into those already finished masks and wickel. It is enough, if one introduces in drops a few drop into the cosmetic product and mixes everything correctly. Korolen is for the problems with flat-ends skin on the head to use. We always applizieren it before washing off on approx.. We arrange a Nahrwickel with the anti-mould effect and the hair so for the hair kriegt then one preserve gloss. Fur turns and masks over is distinguished Gynex. We konnen a Gynexmaske on the face try. Why we recommend straight Gynex. Above all the influence of Sussholzphytohormonen now the cosmetic industry researches because of its positive effects on the skin. Try the skin cure recommended by us, and you will be surely content. The masks over and turn insert we on the face to 8 minutes, four times wochentlich. We applizieren a few Praparattropfen on dampened cotton wool stucco an already and put on the correct place in the face. After the application we wash the face off only with pure water. Fur the mask or fur the envelope on the whole face one uses three Praparatsteeloffel. Owing to bio information this quantity in its effect the full concentrate resembles itself. Due to the Verdunnung the alcohol concentration, which above all that will grussen, does not sink the alcohol positively affects. We mussen however say that the alcohol in small doses positive effect ausubt. The use of Praparaten with the Akupunktur the broad-spectral bio information means are to be applizieren also with this method. One can immerse the spirals from Akupunkturnadeln into the Praparate. Uber the spirals comes it to the Ubertragung of information into the Akupunkturpunkt, with which the Wirkungsfahigkeit of this method is gestarkt and deepened. Always proceed in conformity with the standigen Praparatenanwendung on individual meridiane. Still somewhat more uber the Regenereation. If we offer the Regenerationsmoglichkeit to the Korper, he can use impressively the vitamine, which are contained of the Qualitatskost in become in Praparaten owing to different kinds of vegetable materials secured, as z. some vegetable materials have one several times bulk serums anti-oxidation effect as like it with the durchgefuhrten attempts with the e-e-Vitamin admit are. Each homeopatische material and also different materials, everything that we eat, can affect the energetic net of our Korpers. Each Geschopf has its energetic net. Just that way it has also the earth. The effect can be positive either negatively, or. Like that they are economical to humans. The energy in the meridianen has just that way as the electrical net in the house a certain tension. Just that way as in the house different electrical turn out in the net are switched on, are also in the Korper the individual organs each other in the energetic net connected. The tension must be stable. If the energy varies, is missing uberwiegt or, aussern itself these energetic fluctuations in the function of our Korpers. Where there is no energy, there nothing functions - neither at home, nor in our Korper. I assume that it has a certain logic also fur that, which do not want to understand that the energetic net really exists. Regenerationspentagram can adjust energetic fluctuations and for energy A river in our organism harmonize is fur the regeneration in the Pentagram a conclusion l-word. The Harmonisation and vorbeugung mean more than only a gewohnliche healing. It is better to adjust in time the energetic lack than an important organ to weak. Their Korper helps itself, as if he in accordance with-ate it a note registration to do became. Join in also your correct Frekvenz and enjoy you the Lebben. As long as you keep certain Diatprinzipien and sausage, coffee, sugar avoid the chemically conserved food, Konsumation of red meat, and, if them the stress situations uberwinden and their way of life also with movement erganzen, success will multiply in the Korperregeneration. Not each humans are capable, its Verkostigungsgewohnheiten immediately of other one, it are however necessary, the ideal moglichst themselves much anzunahern. The spiral on the catch and the Linkslaufigkeit: As everyone noticed surely, a linkslaufige spiral is shown on the catch of all Bioinformationspraparaten. Some people leave it without comment, some accompany it with certain words. It concerns a form emitter, which ungemessenen up to now around itself a very fine mini field that Intensitat forms. The spiral presents itself already centuries a long repeated motive. The space galaxies have also the spiral form. The plants turn with their stature either to the left, or to the right. In our Korper most materials are linkslaufig. In the Geschopfsreich and in the vegetable realm clearly the l-form uberwiegt. The Linkslaufigkeit is the Lebenstrager. Today no large and beruhmte company builds something important, without it was advised by one Feng suej - specialists. It is well-known that different forms and colors affect the human Psychik differently. It had to prove for a long time the fact that the form waves exist and in a few years knew its invention is only registered. Everyone knows surely that the patent office did not become to register anything such, what not functioned. Thus it is actually bestatigt that the form waves exist. The existence of the radiation of certain forms one can uberprufen also with the animals, which are more sensitive than humans. The dog will sleep except its Hutte, if you direct the form emitter toward it. At the anziehendesten the theory of the Erklarung of the form waves sees that it concerns a Brenneffekt ". We are surrounded with many kinds of radiation, which are unschadlich, however only into the time, until they meet with a certain form. They go through it like the light through the lens go and gewinnnen so the direction and strength. The interaction and a gewohnliche form of a turned wire develop can in such trap the function of a Sendungsantene ubernehmen. Simultaneous physics cannot erklaren all of this Wundervorgangen and avoids it sometimes the problem questions. Which commodity, if it should be a little different. Which fur consequences could have it. There are many miracle features, which nobody from us can answer. It is to be broken through at the worst in-lived suggestion and barriers. Thus many of those agreed, which won fur their discoveries the Nobelpreis in memoriam. 1) before the application of the Praparates schutteln it the bottle correctly through. Thus it to the Dynamisation and the Wirkungsfahigkeit of the Praparates come are in such a way erhoht. The detoxikation and entire regeneration mostly run without written undertaking symptoms. Erhohen it with the regeneration taking Flussigkeiten - in the best way pure water without CO2. 2) that, which has many health problems, or at a chronic illness suffers, always begins with a smaller box, which it can erhohen allmahlich. For example 1 Teeloffel once in the day. It applies above all fur the people, which suffer from a chronic illness like z. If no vorubergehende aggravation appears, we erhohen after 1 week the dosage on 1 Teeloffel twice in the day under vorubergehender aggravation understand one for example a expression-fuller Ekzemverbreitung. If after the nachsten week no expressionful reaction appears, we erhohen again the box. Thus we erhohen allmahlich the dosage up to 1 Teeloffel three times in the day. That is already the maximum dosage. With this maximum dosage stop the Praparat 3 weeks out. After 3 weeks of taking a einwochige break follows. That means it thus that a bottle fur one month bear. The written undertaking reaction is only a positive regeneration effect. 3) who fuhlt itself healthy, can begin directly with the maximum dosage. If the written undertaking reaction appears, which loads us, we beschranken the dosage on the minimum, D. 1 dte or 1 Moccaloffel in the day or a few drop in the day. Here one must already the individual dosage berucksichtigen, depending on how your Korper reacts to the bio information. The per large reaction of the organism are, are the smaller the doses and the more largely are the time interval between individual doses. The rule massiveness of the dosage remains however kept. Thus you konnen your regeneration procedure adjust. 5) in all traps, when the written undertaking reaction lasts longer as 14 days, suspend the Praparat and let you the bio information sound. Aussert itself with the entire improvement of your state of health. After disappearing the written undertaking reaction we konnen again drop by drop proportion and the box after 1 week erhohen. As soon as the acute problem disappears, we mussen again with the lower dosage of the Praparates begin, which we took. 6) extremes sensitivity and unentsprechende strong reaction:. Even if nevertheless a unentsprechende reaction appears, one begins with the drinking of a Krautermischung in this dosage: 4 parts heath herb, 2.5 parts of Lowenzahn and 2 parts fenchel. If the water begins to cook, we give 2-3 Teeloffel of the mixture in 3/4 Lt water, cook then 2-3 minutes and seihen through. We drink it schluckweise protecting whole tags to 17 o'clock we drink 3/4 litre per day in the time of 3 weeks with the following einwochigen break. One can repeat whole process three times. Thus the organism is easily cleaned and then can continue one with Pentagrampraparaten. As the Reversion aussert itself: The Reversion is the reaction of the organism to the bio information. Their defense mechanisms will go actively and out of the Korper the toxic products away with an excursion or with its vorubergehenden aggravation aussern, with suggestions from problems, which zusammenhangen with illnesses already through-in accordance with-made. All micro-biological investigations such discharge are negative. Everyone of us is individual, and so also the Reversion can have many forms. If you are not safe the fact that it concerns with you Reversion consults you your condition with a homeopatischen physician. You find the listing of co-operating Arzten on the zustandigen distribution place in your region. - if with you some written undertaking symptoms appear, witness it then more uber a fast and regeneration well running off. - taking it in its pregnancy no Praparate, only after the recommendation of a kvalifizierten physician. Depend also with heavy health complications on arztlichen references. - so long you the medicines used up by the physician take, never suspend you them without its agreement. - if you in arztlicher treatment are, depend you on the references of your physician. One finds a very broad utilization of the Praparate of the company Energy within the range of the vorbeugung. It is surely better to finance with a smaller amount your vorbeugung than then fur expensive cure large money pays to mussen. Good results were reached also, where the procedures of the classical medicine failed. The combinations with the welfare procedures of the classical medicine are successful and suitably. Well a fine Harmonisation and the welfare procedure of the physician erganzen themselves. In the end I liked you a successful regeneration and a content long life with Energy Praparaten wunschen. Schlussel to the Praparatbestimmung and the system of taking allocation from meridianen to Bioinformationspraparaten and their description Verkostigung, organ hours and three grundliche principles resonance principle and the effect of the bio information on humans as arrive the information into the password. The water its Gedachtnis has. The nachste utilization of Pentagram Praparaten the use of Praparaten into the Akupunktur still somewhat more uber the regeneration spiral on the catch and the Linkslaufigkeit.
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