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Untied from the cavalleresche vicissitudini, it remains like a boat in squall, the AN destiny. National, single dell’.assemblea All’.indomani the critics s’.inaspriscono but the solutions remain vague have tried, insomma pointed out, an opening with the old ones ally you of Italy Force, its positions on reforms and electoral law remains inamovibili., follows with interest the had one of. The support and the popolarità of quest’.ultimo are in risen constant. According to the surveys, many beloveds to the center-right of quest’.ultimi years, from Fiuggi today. The curiosity grows to excess around to the new plans of the political right. Extension the muscles to the Senate, stoppando the decree on the emergency, making to take part the Head of the State. That it appears more, to said of men of AN but also of Binetti of the PD, not only reads liberticida that amendment against crime. The juvenile movement plays on politics with one tombolata to Montecitorio, than it does not save nobody. Suffocated from the coalition interests, it did not emerge l’.animo authentically revolutionary guarded to its inside. It will be born to short Alliance for l’.Italia, plan launch from National the all’.Assemblea Leader and that within February it will take shape tangible. Analyzing l’.attuale political order, where by now the poles son passings, l’.esempio could be l’.UMP French, with some rivisitazioni. Excluded a rappacificamento with Silvio Berlusconi, than by now it goes decreasing towards the darknesses. L’.unico electoral trust, proposed under federal shape and with in head battleship AN succeeding has a wide margin of. The plan could preview openings to Right towards the Tricolour Flame of Inhabitants of Romagna, by now entered to full authority in the UEN, the group to the European Parliament of AN. that hand hand re-enters in the ranks. The Alloy North and l’.UDC, in.rotta.di.collisiione with the berlusconiane carnevalate ones, would be welcomes in the new union to right. Naturally the openings are previewed also in the comparisons of who, always have been felt of right, but never schierarvisi has been able. The reference to Of Peter and its Italy of the Values is implicit, ready to being received in this new plan. We could call it, if also we were fashionable, the blue thing. E’. “.difficile”. the situation of the Christians in Saint Earth which it emerges from an encounter of journalists with the Saint Earth caretaker, father Pierbattista Pizzaballa and with mons. Father Lombardic has added that “.attualmente not there is no concrete plan avviato”. Pizzaballa father has described the situation of the Christians speaking about “.sofferenza”. 60% of approximately 170mila Christian of the zone, have explained, live in Israel and and 99% are of Arab-Palestinian origin. In Israel not there are situations of structural poverty, perhaps it can be spoken about shapes of discrimination between the Israeli majority and the Arabic minority. The Christians are for more of wrap average of the population, are many instrucing. In Israel the greater problem of the Christian community is to remain united, not to disperse itself. In this the schools play a fundamental role, than in Saint Earth they are ovunque important. The situation is much various in the zones Palestinian dell’.Autorità, like to Betlemme. People of Betlemme, in fact, went to work to Gerusalemme: the construction of the wall and the difficulty to obtain the permission in order to approach to you, have sent in crisis l’.economia. In the first place, “.siamo little, we are small, but there are and there will be. Ours is one community much fair, convinced. And then the poor ones cannot emigrate, and there are many poveri”. The two specific issues on which have centered the questions of the journalists, the issue of the approvals to religious and the job of the mixed Commission. The difficulties to obtain the Israeli approval from part of the religious staff and the seminaristi are, for Pizzaballa father “.un real problem. E’. much difficult one to have them, even if hour, after the controversies of some time makes, c’.è be an sensitive improvement. It was awake - than the procedure it is not clear and the centellinano authorities the permissions. Those for coming from persons from Arabic Countries are much difficult to obtain. During mixed Commission not if by it it is spoken, but tomorrow the nunzio it will have an encounter in governmental center just in order to speak about this argomento”. As far as the jobs of the mixed Commission, “.stiamo preparing a document common, with the reservoir that or is approved of R-tutto.o.niente. The good is that there are greets to you cordial and that we will see again ourselves to May, here to Roma”. Prayer to Immaculate Maria, Queen of Palestine. Luigi Barlassina, Latin Patriarch of Gerusalemme, in occasion of the consacrazione of the gerosolimitana diocese to the Vergine Saint. The statue of the Madonna that gives 110 years dominates the church of the Sacred Family to Betlemme, hit and seriously damaged from the fire of the war. We know a great man and its precious instructions: Giacinto Auriti ENOUGH LITTLE IN ORDER TO MAKE RINASCERE the ECONOMY. E' a question that would have to admit one evident answer: the moneies are ours. Not foss' other because we are to spend them, to make them circular, to immetterli on the market. We are to determine the increase or the recession of the economic system, we flank to you from other factors, like the increase of the wages or the salaries. Who decides how much is worth one currency. A group of persons who decide of giving, as an example, a value of two euro to a piece of paper gained from natural substances. Concerning us to one similar explanation, us discosteremmo not little from the facts. Because today they are the central banks them to establish the value of those rags of paper that we use in order to acquire assets or services. Here that that makes with the moneies that they serve to us for living. Here like the banks vessano our rights. And with they our dignity of citizens. E' therefore that, after the damage, the prank comes. Yes, because the mechanism of the loan previews, for its same nature, the presence of an creditor and a debtor. If the central bank them it lend us i (ours) moneies, interprets the part of the creditor. if we are city to receive them, then we play the role of the debtors. And as we knit, wanting or nolenti, unaware of or conscious of the swindle, this debit that we never have asked to contract. One what is sure: when they want to steal something to us but they do not know like making, the solution is always the same one: the taxes. That, therefore, they become their moneies. That, like for palingenesis, they finish in order to recommence the their most incorrect cycle in a new loan. To this point, the process is ready to leave again. They were the last times of the Lira, in a small village of the Abruzzi, Guardiagrele. An idea, than, like all the brilliant ideas, provoke diffidenza and ritrosia in the adressees. A relationship of apparently symmetrical change fixed:. , but, because apparently important only for salaries and wages. In fact, always for convention, a Simec was equivalent to two Liras. Therefore, a goods in sale at the price of 100000 Liras, could be paid to 50000 Simec. With one before then disowned rebirth of the purchasing power, that is the relationship between salary and price index. Draft of a fictitious currency, a medicine for the sick economies of asphyxia, nearly total absence of boosting of the purchases. And like all the medicines, go somministrata for a period ended in the time. Those that enough in order to cure the morbo. The instrument with which the truffatori they depredate the swindled ones is in the first place the Link state treasury to the three documents that demonstrate it: The SIMEC FOR RISARCIRE the CITIZENS Of the MONETARY and FISCAL DAMAGES the recent anniversary of dipartita of the mourning prof. the city Beloveds has arrived the moment, without wanting to make the usual rhetorical, to open the eyes and to watch in face the truth. When we speak about currency, we mean without scomodare pompose that is cattedratiche economic analyses the instrument regolator of our economy. Unfortunately this be distinction c’.è, indeed the sopraffazione of the banking system has hegemonized our economic circuit. However before taking part it is necessary to understand. In order to make it the university professor it has indicated us a road master and it is to we to put it to fruit and to construct it day for day. We all must be its disciples and to hand on the acquaintances from he inherited because they find the most possible performance. Therefore we announce the good novel, scuotiamo and risvegliamo once for all our consciences and you will see some ce we will not repent. The quarter constitutional function of the State: the Monetary Sovereignty When the currency was d’.oro, the state had the monetary sovereignty because the currency, sin dall’.emissione, was property of the bearer. With l’.avvento of the constitutional state, the quarter function of the state has been assumed from the large ones usurai. Also the value dell’.oro was not in the metal, but in the “.previsione of being able comprare”. In such a way the catholic monarchies of the old Europe are collapsed because transformed from “.proprietarie”. in “.debitrici”. of just the money. The bankers are themselves buy the king to you, fasts of monetary culture, with the corrispettivo of the debit, that is “.arricchendoli”. of “.moneta-debito”.: the c. When the currency was d’.oro who found the nugget if of it it appropriated without to become indebted itself towards the mine and this rule were worth for all: king, noble and plebei. With a set-up cost them of the money, all’.origine, of comprehensive 260% of understood them and interests, the puntualità of the payments has become impossible. It is been born therefore l’.epidemia of the “.suicidio from insolvenza”. that it does not have previous in the history and that is the sign dell’.avvento dell’.usurocrazia. The forecast of the assets producendi is, of for if, a good (tasks to es. The reservoir had meaning when the banknote was convertibile in R-a.richiesta gold of the bearer. 42 of the Constitution, that it previews l’.accesso to the property for all. With the yield of citizenship the producers are financed, financing the consumers, that it is l’.unico way rations them in order to avoid elargizioni of currency based on arbitrary and clientelari choices. In conclusion, the fourth constitutional power must be conceived on the purpose to give back to the state the monetary function and to the people the property of the currency. The currency e' simple convention between persons who accept it of common agreement and does not use it in order to carry out the direct exchange or indirect of goodses and/or servizi.Il nominal value of a currency is it banknote or metallic Currency e' the numerical impresso or printed value on same (the value of facciata).Le modern, metallic coins or cartacee, they do not have intrinsic value (if not like numismatic value). The production cost e' the cost supported from the factory for the production it does not guarantee and it does not constitute some intrinsic value or not intrinsic of moneta.La the not guaranteed currency e' piu' from the reservoirs auree.In realta' also before, under the agreements of Bretton Woods, solo the central banks them could convert the dollars, and only the dollars, in gold. The possibilita' for the citizens it is made to change in gold the money stops, practically, with the crisis of 1929. The currency e' emitted from the Centrale.La Bank currency comes lend to every single state to the increased value of facade from the Discount rate, than currently e' to 2,5%. Technically the single states emit of the Obligations that the Central bank them European discounts, behind the payment of an interest: the Rate Sconto.Le banknotes of Euro the DIFFERENCE BETWEEN the NOMINAL VALUE Of the CURRENCY THAT I EMIT AND IMMETTO IN CIRCULATION and the COST is riconducibili to every single State through a number of serie.IL SIGNORAGGIO E' THAT I HAVE SUPPORTED FOR PRODURLA. The SIGNORAGGIO ON ONE BANKNOTE FROM 100 EURO E' OF 102,47 EURO (100+2,5+0,03).Per this reason the paper used for the Banknotes of the particularly deteriorabile, maximum 5 years in order to print other banknotes and to exactly pour rights of copia.Il discount rate e' piu' the interest on the loan on money and e' today fixed Euro e' to 2.5% in independent and the not negotiable one way of all. The currency like legal fattispecie, like way to be of the valor of the right - Considerations conclusive.Prima to proceed to the definition of the currency, it is necessary to remove the prejudgments that they expect to lead back the monetary phenomenon exclusively in the within of economice sciences. Poiche', is the credit that the convention is of the legal fattispecie, not v' e' doubt that the currency constitutes object of science of the right. Cio' premised, it is ulteriorly necessary to specify which it is between the two hypotheses, convention and credit, that to accept, for being able valid to then consider the fattispecie. And cio' even if, to times, the used credit e' like mean of payment and substitute of moneta.La the currency, to our warning, e' an incorporeal good of value conventional and, to the state puts into effect them of the monetary regimes, burdened of debit. The currency has value perche' measure the value of the assets. Every Poiche' unita' of conventionally established measure e', the source of the financial instrument e' the convention. The currency e' moreover a collective good, in created how much e' from the collettivita' that chip ax the monetary convention. Cio' just perche' e' come less that convention that the cause. The monetary symbol e' therefore to formal manifestation of this conventional legal value. Going in profondita' on this concept, one notices that convention means to us, for those who participate some, the forecast of the other people's behavior like condition of just. E' while disposed to accept in payment currency against goods, in how much it is previewed of being able to give currency against goods. Thus, as an example, nrl usual running language e' the expression for which the gold it would have just "an intrinsic" value. This acceptable thesis not e', perche' also the gold has value for the single fact that we are agreement puttinges that have it. As an example: paper and ink in the copyright, the designs of the licence or the work of the talent. Feature from Giacinto Auriti - the Value of the Diritto.GLI ARCHES Of CROSSES FURON to YOU TARLATI From the MONETARY VERME-ORO.EDUCAZIONE Or the OWN LIBERTA' GETS LOST. The Central bank Them European: one private bank. The Central bank them European has the task to emit the Euro. The BCE e' of fact a private bank in how much does not have no connection with the communitarian institutions, ne' with the European Parliament, ne' with the European Commission. The leaders of the BCE enjoy a immunita' pressoche' absolute. Giacinto Auriti: monetary l’.esperimento of Guardiagrele. It is passed by now more than a month from the dead women of prof.Ricordo the essential points dell’.iniziativa. In the circumstance professor the following Auriti rilasciò lapidaria declaration rather: «.È like if we had put of the blood in a body dissanguato». In short the plan technically speaking was developed along this director: the citizen at par oed and changed the SIMEC with the Lira. We place it therefore: the citizen deposited one hundred thousand Liras (was still to the old one but much more he works them Lira) and he took in exchange one hundred thousand SIMEC. The SIMEC was without reservoir: like, as an example, an antique dealing stamp. The citizen went from the trader to make the expense and this last one accepted the SIMEC for the double quantity because conventionally it was worth the double quantity. When the citizens, therefore went to make the change this happened for the double quantity, because all how many accepted it for the double quantity. All this turned out a true one and just they fly for local l’.economia much more than professor the Auriti sostenne:«.La people are enthusiastic because here Guardiagrele is rinata. SIMEC possible miracle -1 of 5- Mayor of Guardiagrele. SIMEC possible miracle -3 of 5- Giacinto Auriti. SIMEC possible miracle -4 of 5- Giacinto Auriti. SIMEC possible miracle -5 of 5- Giacinto Auriti. Free of charge to unload "the country of the utopy", a fundamental book of the prof. The escape way: the popular property of the currency As the blood distributes oxygen in all the body, therefore the currency distributes to be able d’.acquisto R-al.mercato. When the currency was d’.oro (or of other goods) l’.ossigeno monetary was cleaned up. The people could living in serenity times of well-being because the conferred power d’.acquisto for pure convention to the symbols, duplicated the wealth without to duplicate the debit. Here because the currency that is duplicates to the value of the tangible assetses the wealth of the collectivity. The duplicate value can have or the positive sign of the property (gold) or the sign negative of the debit. All’.origine the bearer could introduce the banknote all’.incasso and convert it in gold. With the prohibition of the convertibilità the currency, also remaining true currency, became false changes them. In such a way the currency has been transformed in an analogous fattispecie to the antique dealing stamp that has value for convention and without riserva.Abolita the convertibilità with l’.avvento of c.Su the these premises, in 8 date March 1993, I introduced expose-denunciation for swindle against Governor Azeglio Ciampi, for tempore of the Bank d’.Italia.Pur not being acceptable the motivations adduced from Dr. Torri) the cleaned up currency, in a transitory regimen of double circulation. To confirmation it is the fact that hundreds of million men die of hunger not for bread lack, but of the money in order to buy it. The remedy would be worse of the evil because it would be gone to trasfondere blood in a corpse. Here because the times of performance of a valid monetary reform that gives back to R-al.portatore the property of "the its" currency go realized gradually and with prudenza.Particolarmente meaningful –. in so far as –. the skillful intuition of Ezra Pound (Job and usury, Milan, 1975, p." Pound had understood that the monetary blood poisoned from debit cannot be eliminated not due, with a sponge blow. It would be a remedy worse of the evil. To case the SIMEC is not been born to Guardiagrele that is the country in Italy that has the highest percentage than suicides. Published the book of Rossano Bordering sull’. experiment of Giacinto Auriti of the banknote from he invented nell’. summer of the 2000 Praise to the SIMEC, the currency that had run to Guardiagrele between Lira and euro. Rossano Bordering, editor de the Center currently in force to the writing of Launch - Immense, he has chosen this title it for just the book on the vicissitude of the SIMEC. The subtitle it of the volume (Publishing Tabula, 104 pages, 12,50 euro) explains: - the experiment of the SIMEC, the "currency of the people", between Lira and European only currency -. the meant one of acronym SIMEC is Economic Symbol of induced value. Its ideazione, from part of Giacinto Auriti, part from the concept that "the currency to the action of the emission would have to be born of property of the citizens". GUARDIAGRELE - To little months from the passing of university professor Giacinto Auriti it comes published for the Tabula Editions the book "But the euro of who it is. An intelligent text that it reconstructs, with dovizia of particular and in faithful way with of the relative events you to the experiment of the SIMEC. Draft of one ' cronistoria of the facts ', as it defines it the same author in the premise. "the SIMEC has been put in circulation from Auriti, secretary of the mayoralty anti S. usury, just to Guardiagrele in the summer of 2000, when the Lira had still run legal - it writes Can Bordering - (.) between July and september of that year I had interviewed more times university teaching for having explanations on that one ' banconota'. Me therefore they are occupied of the several sfaccettature of the SIMEC: its reasons, the implications theoretical and prati to us, the perspectives, the prò and against on the new currency. Many economic commentators dug in the foundations of the theory of Auriti but little perceived the idea force of the popular property of the currency. It supported in fact the university professor: “. If who does not settle down itself is the owner of the currency to the action of the emission, who cannot itself be said is the creditor and who the debtor. When the currency was of gold not was some doubt: owner of was the bearer. With the nominal currency, instead, the bearer has become debtor and owner the bank ". And no norm, according to Auriti, clears of who is the property of the euro in the moment of its acceptance. Also the sentences of the courts will go subordinates to winnow cold of the scientific search and eventually ' falsificate' ", it concludes the mayor. Giacinto Auriti, known from all in the citizen like ' don Giacinto', is been born to Guardiagrele 10 October 1923 and it has been graduated in Jurisprudence to Rome. Its professional distance laughed them to years Fifty. It was one of the founders of the University D' Annunzio and in particular of the faculty of Jurisprudence of Teramo, of which it was also preside. Just to Teramo it was resisting of the chair of international and ordinary Right of general Theory of the right. And to Teramo it threw the bases for the theory that puts in argument the ' currency debit '. The presentation of the book of Can Bordering will be today afternoon, to hours 18, near Knows it Consiliare to it of the Common one of Guardiagrele. It coordinates Lucio Valentini, journalist RAI Notes: Francisco Piccirilli Drawn from the abruzzese daily paper - ABRUZZI TODAY - to pag. The present time of the message of Giacinto Auriti Organ of the Costituenda Association “.Giacinto Auriti”., for the popular Property of the L’.attualità currency of the message of Giacinto Auriti This head was born 15 May 1973 as notiziario of the Center of Political and Constitutional Studies founded from the Prof. It wants to express the purpose that we have proposed ourselves. The declaration of this design entrusted to this modest sheet will be able to seem presuntuosa, but the Franciscan garment is freedom guarantee. We can, in fact, to write without the worry of being conditions to you from “.necessari”. the financings of the great press. In order to catch up this scope it is indispensable that our position of free men is able of being present on the great frontier of the Cold War. The two faces of Capitalism have in fact the same scope to assert the dominion of the state or the bank sull’.uomo. We want to make of the citizens the true masters of any shape of society. In so far as we become bearers of new umanesimo a political one. These instruments have been personify to you in rising of idoli that are become to you the masters of the men, that they would have viceversa to dominate them. The profezia of Proudhon, “.La property is a furto”., has been come true because the complex of the guilt by now is passed from the shoulders of the ladro to those of the owner. Today l’.uomo about the road it thinks that the word “.comunismo”. means one species of co-ownership. The comunismo wants to make of the state the master of the citizens, we wants to make of the citizens the true masters of the state. Who places itself against these ideas places itself against if same, its family and its interests. E’. time, by now, to abandon the language of the abstract responsibilities and to begin to characterize who is the true enemies of the people. E’. time that is comprised that “.socialismo”. it is not the state capital-Marxist, but the little men who control the great complexes and the economic companies of state. You concern us of these monstrous ones “.golem”. are the logge in which tramano, nell’.ombra, true the large ones piovre of the humanity. Here because if some men of party have declared the incompatibilità with our Centers of Study: evidently this truth scottano. Here because we perceive to you: to who it declares to you that between we and a whichever party is incompatibilità, asked immediately which loggia massonica it belongs. They know the risk that we run, but ours is one definitive and irrevocable choice. The testimony of the faith is always a risk, therefore like the dignity is a medal that has like back a cost. We think that it is not too much. To the proposals that we make you, beloved reader, you do not have other alternative that that one of the peace of the slave. Therefore we ask you alone thousand Liras, for little of hope. Giacinto Auriti Notes: Publishing director: Antonio Pimpini - responsible Director: Marine Solfanelli. 9 mondays July, on “.Canale Italy Tv”. from Steal (PD), the Prof. Antonio Marsh: “.La nature of the second currency Pound and Auriti”.PADOVA, 28 June ’.07 –. The Prof. L’.intervento avverà in the rubrica “.Notizie Oggi”., lead from the Prof. Vito Monaco, in wave from hours 6,00 to hours 8,00 of 9 Mondays July ’.07.Il university professor Antonio Marsh has collaborated with the prof. The monetary slavery: a been born historical mostruosità in 1694 with the Bank d’.Inghilterra Goethe asserted that “.nessuno it is enslaved than who it is thought free without esserlo”. This principle is particularly valid in the enforced monetary system. The citizen is deceived of being owner of the moneies that he has in pocket, while of he is debtor. The bank, in fact, emits the single currency lend it, sicché the currency circulates burdened of debit. As every unit of measure (and the currency is the measure of the value) also the currency is one convention. When the currency was d’.oro who found a nugget if of it it appropriated without to debit itself towards the mine. Today in place of the mine c’.è the central bank them, in place of the nugget a paper piece, in place of the property the debit. The truth of this definition has been perceived also from S. Francisco d’.Assisi when she prohibited the begging fathers to receive oboli in currency. We hour of it will demonstrate the full fondatezza on the base of the same words of Satana that are in the Gospel. Satana, in the Gospel, speaks three times. After the fast of Christ in the desert, Satana says to It: “.Tramuta the stones in pane”. This interpretation is not acceptable because the temptation is always relative to a sin and to eat bread after forty days of fast is morally unexceptionable. Therefore the justification of the words of Satana goes understanding various and who says to us as to interpret the words of Satana he is just Christ when, answering to Satana, Mt. 4,4 asserts (): “.Sta written, not only bread alive l’.uomo, but of every word that exits from the mouth of Dio”. In such case he could very have said Christ: "You can eat bread for my merit because I have given the council to You to transform stones in pane.”. Therefore Christ would have been transformed from “.padrone”. to “.debitore”. of Its bread. Very to watch this hypothesis verification punctually nell’.emissione of the nominal currency. The bank, in fact, lend the all’.atto due dell’.emissione, loads the cost with the money of 200%. L’.Umanità is therefore hasty in one inferior condition to that one of the beast. The beast, in fact, does not have the property, but not even the debit. It is great time by now that it is comprised that all can lend money except who emit it. That confirmation the Profezia di Fatima: “.I you live will envy the morti”. The temptations of Satana cannot be estimated exactly if they are not considered in their total context. Particularly meaningful, in so far as, it is the third temptation (Mt. “.…. It showed all the reigns of the world and their magnificenza, then said Jesus: all this I will give to You. To adore prostrati means to put Satana to sull’.altare in place of God. That explains because the worshippers of Satana contest fundamentalally and necessarily l’.Eucarestia Catholic. To case the English parliament does not approve of in the 1673 Act Test: l’.editto with which it comes declared illegittima l’.Eucarestia Catholic and the Transustanziazione. Not to case in Switzerland vige the rule of being to a time “.banchieri”. and “.protestanti”. To case the essential difference between Sacred Roman Empire and British Commonwealth is not the currency. Lì the bearer is owner of the currency, is debtor here. Satana, prince of this world, is one serious person: it maintains the promises made to end badly. After that the evil has been made it grants to its worshippers the dominion on all the people of the world. On these premises us the temptation of Satana is explained also when it exhorts Christ to throw itself from the top of the tempio of the Saint City. Who is landladies of all the world and all the money of the world, or because she possesses it or because of he is creditor, she does not wish sovereignty and wealth because to already she possesses them, but has vanagloria silks. This temptation is justified therefore also. Giacinto Auriti: monetary l’.esperimento of Guardiagrele. It is passed by now more than a month from the dead women of prof. the Memory the essential points dell’.iniziativa. In the circumstance professor the following Auriti rilasciò lapidaria declaration rather: «.È like if we had put of the blood in a body dissanguato». In short the plan technically speaking was developed along this director: the citizen at par oed and changed the SIMEC with the Lira. We place it therefore: the citizen deposited one hundred thousand Liras (was still to the old one but much more he works them Lira) and he took in exchange one hundred thousand SIMEC. The SIMEC was without reservoir: like, as an example, an antique dealing stamp. The citizen went from the trader to make the expense and this last one accepted the SIMEC for the double quantity because conventionally it was worth the double quantity. When the citizens, therefore went to make the change this happened for the double quantity, because all how many accepted it for the double quantity. All this turned out a true one and just they fly for local l’.economia much more than professor the Auriti sostenne:«.La people are enthusiastic because here Guardiagrele is rinata. It was the late evening of one fine d’.anno roman and a strict wind and hostile me raggelò when, after a long conversation I left the house of the «.professore». - he was therefore that its students, often be a matter themselves of «.ex». ahead in the years, continued to call Giacinto Auriti. Me sopraggiunse the memory of the evenings passages to the tepore and in the light of the old fireplace of the great house of Guardiagrele in company of simple persons. I rethought to the paper napkin on which it represented with foga, during a lunch to Giulianova, «.valore conceived the mathematical formula dell’.appena indotto». of the currency. I revived and I saw on the Nomentana one desert and ventosa Rome. The positions of Carmelo Ottaviano, Giovanni Scantamburlo, True Roman, Messineo father and many shared in years not suspiciones others. Auriti would have written: «.Merita to govern people only who loves it, because only who loves is disposed to serve. The misery of the philosophical-legal rationalism, own of the instrumentalizing societies, is all here. Only who does not love is disposed to use rather than to servire». In one whichever history that features of the currency will be able to be observed as it and the people of the earth are themselves belonged mutual messianicamente while, diabolically, l’.anima and the life of the people of the earth withers. It is worth for all the case of the value concept, for the definition of which it is the philosophy that l’.economia has been declared finally inadequate. We will notice as the same theses of Pound and Schmitt can appear old. «.Le ideas are true when they become azione». wrote Pound inaugurating thirtieth understood it of the «.Guida to the cultura». And the thought of Auriti has manifested true how much incisive equally has been its social and political action. It will be necessary however «.aprire». its syntheses, to travel over again its thought analytically and to deduce from the principles enunciate to you, the heavy stones that have traced the road. Schumpeter wrote, on purpose dell’.essenza of the currency mails in relation to sure people, than it rispecchia all that that these «.vuole, ago, suffers, and è». As draft of one is looked at truth infinitely more important than one of the economic institutions. Sull’.affermazione of Mongardini is necessary but to agree lì where it writes that the money socializes men, material products, assets and services. This passion in the long run corrodes the social tie. With it the private one becomes the privileged sphere and public only the average dell’.acquisizione and dell’.ostentazione». Pound indignava when it was forced to take action that of Aristotle ripubblicasse the Metaphysics, the Poetica or even Physics rather than l’.Etica Nicomachea. In effects between the great topics that Aristotle dealt in quest’.opera it finds the dissertation on the currency concept. Here, it writes Plebe, it is opened darkest of the steps dell’.Etica to Nicomaco. If the need temporary nonexistent were subentrerebbe, guarantor of future exchanges, the currency that, also always having the same value does not stretch to being stable. «.Per this convene that every thing is estimated: in fact therefore there will be always exchange and, if there is exchange, there is also social life. The currency therefore, like measure, servants to pareggiare the things rendering them commensurabili….». And they would become immeasurable because, as it supports Auriti, «.la currency that does not circulate is mere symbol, is not moneta…. therefore the monetary value not nasce». And, checché if it writes some, they are these «.nobili». the origins of the dietrologia. are origins that come from the right, dall’.economia and from politics. «.I ghost not esistono». - it protested - «.i patrimonies never cannot be owners of if stessi». We are in presence dell’.ennesimo gift poisoned offered to the world from the «.Sistema dell’.anglosfera». In this way, famous Joel Bakan, anyone, assuming the risk of possible losses limited to the quota of social participation, could ambire to «.illimitate probabilities of successo». We are in 1851 and five years after a similar tendency it would have become law in Great Britain. «.La legal entity of the corporation therefore had taken the place, at least under the legal profile, of the physical persons owners of the corporation. The considerations but are stopped to this point of kind, although Bakan is teaching of right. Auriti, the contrary, left from position not only more Critic, but also from presupposed dualistici, reaches various conclusions. Gone to school of right and philosophies millenarians account becomes that the «.bizzarra alchimia». before being «.legale». he is intellectual. The dell’.impersonale vigenza in institutional within authorizes to suspect that, to greater reason in the subordinate truths (those economic, administrative, territorial, etc. The key of time of the construction of Auriti is constituted from the theory of the value that, moreover, remains only partially explained. One of the unexpressed aspects is the relationship that elapse between the profit concept and that one of value. Of continuation it adds: l’.utilità would be a character of the things for via of their instrumentality, attitude to realize a aim and to satisfy a need. Therefore the forecast, l’.auspicio dell’.avveramento of the edonistico moment, is concepts already contained in that one of usefullness. In an example to he particularly Auriti beloved says: the pen has value because I preview writing. For the said reasons, the pen would remain one what that would come realized in sight of a aim therefore we could say: the pen is useful because I preview writing. The Latin term to be worth indicates the sense of the «.star bene»., dell’. to have «.forza»., «.autorità». The root is l’.indoeuropea «.wele». that it is for «.amministrare». Bernardo di Chiaravalle addresses the Saintest Maria and exclaims: «.Donna, se’. much great and a lot goes them That which wants grace and to you does not resort, its disianza wants to fly senz’.ali». (Paradise 33°.13). Those «.tanto vali». means «.sei much powerful one, has a lot potere». Obvious E’. that a such sense cannot refer to that one, direct to the things, of usefullness founded on the instrumentality. It turns out obvious that for the value concept it is necessary to rifare itself to other categories. We remember Schumpeter when it wrote that the currency of people rispecchia all that that these «.vuole, ago, suffers, and è». A similar conception could be approached to the dynamics conception of the value, second Of the Old one determines to you from their «.potenza, forces and autorità». (remembers Schumpeter). In conclusion the value would constitute the projection space-thunderstorm dell’.utilità. 1) Fareed Zakaria, «.Democrazia without libertà»., Rizzoli, 2003, page 298. 2) Giacinto Auriti, «.Il value of the diritto»., Solfanelli, 1988, page 21. 3) Carl Mongardini, «.Economia like ideologia»., Angels, 1997, page 107. 7) Giuliano Rodelli, «.Se is electronic is not moneta»., Free Pages, june 1995 and «.Il money not paga»., Free Pages, July-August 1995. 8) Joel Bakan, «.The corporation»., Fandango, 2004, page 16. 10) Carl Schmitt, «.Le categories of the politico»., the Flour mill, 1972, page 212. 11) Giacinto Auriti, «.Il value of the diritto»., Zolfanelli, 1988, page 18. "This action (the institutive law of the Federal Reserve) institutionalizes piu' the gigantic monopoly on terra.(Membro of the USA Conference and the father of the famous aviator)" In the United States we has in realta' two governi.e then has, in the Federal Reserve System, an independent, uncontrolled government, incoordinato, that it exercises those monetary powers that the Constitution would reserve the Conference." Wright Patman, President of the Commission for the Bancari Transactions of the Conference of the [ ….]Non you think that nobody is shrewed, between the great statesmen of the history, of the mysterious one of the public debit and the devastating one to be able that the banks have on the people and the economies. The fact is, than who it dares to remove to the banks their great free source of being able and profit, that is. the banking system can kill for money. Napoleone said: «.Quando one Be depends for the money from the bankers, is these same ones and not the heads of the State who direct the things, siccome the hand that it gives is over to that it takes the financiers are without patriotism. (When to government is dependent for money upon the bankers, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes. Karl Marx observed, in Communist The Manifest: "the money plays the main part in determining the course of the history part in determining the course ofhistory)". Mayer Anselm Rothschild said: «.Permettetemi to emit and to manage the currency of one nation, and me infischio of who of ago the laws and control the money ofa nation, and the beloveds not who makes its laws. the currency of a nation, manages the nation ofa nation, controls that nation)». It comes therefore ribadito the principle that, when its creation, its loan, the interest rates is succeeded in to control the currency (), is had in order to corrupt and to buy to the institutions and the authorities of control, than. Various Arabic Countries, respecting dictate to me of the Corano, emit the own citizens lend to you. and pure it was one of the empires more prospers and pacific that never the Earth has known. But in order to find authoritative supports in favor of a monetary reform of this type we can address also to great, greatest thinkers and statesmen, like Thomas Jefferson, Andrew not tacciabili of nazism, delle which liberal ideas very rarely university is spoken nelle to schools and nelle, for how much they are very more important penetrating and for true politics delle doctrines of authors Gramsci, Sturzo - like if these authors had understood to bottom that cos' he is and like work. In truth, they, of the power, they did not have. We have already cited Thomas Jefferson, that teorizzò and propugnò liberal theses in monetary matter. It, in 1791, asserted: «.Per to preservare our independence, we do not have to leave that ours we incur in such debits, we will be taxed in our food and in ours vivande, our daily necessities and our comforts, our job and nei. to waste the job of the people under the pretension to assist it, the people will be happy use our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetuated. If we run into such debts, we (will then) be taxed in our meat and our drink, our necessities and in our comforts, our labor and in our amusements. Ifwe with prevent the government from wasting the labor of the people under the pretense ofcaringfor them, they (will) be happy. to James Monroe (then president in period 1817-25) in January 1815: "the domination that the bancari institutes have obtained on the minds of our citizens must be broken, or it will break we the banking institutions have obtained over the minds ofour citizens. In 1816, Jefferson wrote to John Madison (tenth president, 1841-45): "If the people American will never allow the private banks to manage the emission of its currency, then, alternating inflation and deflation, the banks and the holding companies that will grow around to they will undress the people of every property, sinché its sons will wake up themselves without a roof in the continent that their fathers conquered Creed that the banking institutions are more dangerous for our society that exercises in crews the emission power would have is removed to the banks and given back to the State, to which it. (If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation, and then by deflation, the banks and the corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of wings property until their children wake up homeless on the continent. The believe that banking institutions to are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. The issuing power should be takenfrom the banks and restored to the Government, to whom it properly belongs. Centonovant' years or are, therefore, Jefferson therefore had clearly comprised the technique and the strategy with which the private bankers they produce to inflation and deflation in order to increase the own wealth and just to be able to expenses and over the nation. The election of Jackson to president in 1828 is verosimilmente due to one reaction of the electorate to the banking superpower. the Conference has the right, based on the Constitution, to emit the cartaceo money, this right it has been given so that it uses it in just, in order not to delegate it to individuals. (IfCongress has the righi under the Constitution to issue paper money, it was given them to be used by themselves, not to be delegated to individuals. Jackson said that the guide on a central bank them «.sarebbe exercised from some on the political conduct of many, acquiring in the first place the power on the job and on the gain of the great mass of the population exercised by to few over the politicai conduct ofthe many by first acquiring that control over the labor and earnings of the great body ofpeople. electoral of 1828, Jackson declared in an allocution to a group of bankers:. I mean to vanquish to you and, for the Padreterno, I will vanquish to you. Intend to rout you out and by the the Eternai God I. It was also pushed to say: «.Se only people knew the march ingiustizia of our monetary system and banking, revolution would be one before. (injustice Ifthe people only understood the rank ofour Money and Banking system, to there would be to revolution before morning. private would govern "our currency, taking our money publics. and, holding in the dependency migliaia of our citizens, it would be more frightening and dangerous that the naval and military power of the holding enemy and thousands ofour citizens in dependence, it would be more formidable and dangerous than the naval and military power ofthe enemy. Lincoln, during the civil war American (1861-1865), was found to having to find the money in order to support war expenses. The banks lend it to the State (l’.Unione) but they demanded the highest interest, between the 24 and 36%. These Dollars of State were nickname to you “.Greenbacks”. because they were prints to you with green ink on their back. Little after, The London Times published an article in which it expressed l’.opinione of who remained damaged from this movement of Lincoln, that is the international bankers: “. if this scellerata political financial institution, that it had origin in the North American Republic, consolidated institutionally, the State provvederebbe to just the money without costs. It would knit the debits and it would remain without debits. It would have the deep ones in order to carry out the own tasks. It would become Prospero without previous in the history of the States civilizza you of the world. The minds and the resources of all the Countries would be moved in North America. That State to have destroyed, or will destroy every monarchy on the earth. Eight von Bismarck, Chancellor of the Reich, said in 1876 on Lincoln: «.Ottenne the conference the power to take to loan from the people vendendogli tito them of the States and the State and the nation escaped to the macchinazioni of the foreign financiers. They understood to the flight, than the United States they would be you escape yourself to theirs taken. The dead women of Lincoln were with that decisa». The young republic American nacque like attempt to free “.the people”. from the dominion of the bankers, than already dominated the European governments. The attempt had but difficult and short life, even if the genius of some great presidents succeeded to mark some limited Victoria. Moved Un’.abile of Lincoln was l’.affrancamento of the slaves. It served to render unacceptable public all’.opinione British that United Kingdom continued to support the sudisti against l’.Unione. The Greenbacks be them would have been withdraws to you from the circulation. In 1913, after approximately cinquantanni of partial reforms, during which the president was assassinated 20°., James To. And probably he had in mind to completely bring back to the Conference the monetary power. Before being assassinated anch’.egli, little months after, it made in time to emit (embezzling them to the profits of the bankers of the Federal Reserve Bank) $ 4. These banknotes came quickly recalled from the circulation after its murder, while surveyings sull’.omicidio of the president came depistate and the tests manomesse. To quarantadue years of distance from those facts, the U. In order to support the weight of this inner indebtedness let alone of the crescent foreign debt, the U. The Dollar is supported mainly from the question of Dollars in order to pay the raw materials above all the and oil. Euroschiavi - New Edition Modernized and See again the Bank of Italy - the great swindle of the public debit - the secrets of the signoraggio. Who indeed becomes rich with our taxes Author: Mark Of the Moon, Antonio Miclavez, L’.Italia is more and more poor because of a public debit in continuous increase that involves un’.elevata pressure fiscale.Il public debit is un’.invenzione constructed from politicians and bankers to the aim to enrich the private shareholders of the Central bank them Italian and europea.In past, the banks who emitted money guaranteed it with the gold cover, was engaged to convert the banknotes in gold and supported a cost of emissione.Il book is of easy understanding is for who is interested of politics and finance is for the not specialist reader. The currency is one of the most brilliant inventions of the humanity, but also one of most dangerous. It puts into effect them operated creation of money from the null one from the banking system is identical to the creation of currency from part of counterfeiters. The single various difference is that they are those who from there draw profit. This phrase said Maurice to it Allais, prize Nobel for the economy in 1988. They give beyond 300 years consequently exists a national and international banking system that influences remarkablly on the governments of every Country, and on the life of its citizens. Today the changed things are not a lot, but very it has been believed to above all fortify the total control on the people through subdoli regulations and becoming indebted them, since the weight of an eternal debit renders whichever people enslaved of its same economic system. In such purpose Ezra Pound it dared to say: "the politicians are not other that the butlers of the bankers". He would only be enough to stop on the reading of the Art.000 pounds (notes of bank), correspondents to the debit of 700.000 pound-gold that King Guglielmo d' Orange I had contracted just with it. In order to understand all that better it would have better to comprise the concept than
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