Mar 11, 2008

L.a. times

. All it begins with one long series of lies. The master of the three tablets, inssieme to Padoa-Schioppa invents the ‘.buco left from the previous Governo’. 1) Dimostrare as the Government Berlusconi had been a bad Government 2) to lean to the Government Berlusconi the responsibility for l’.ingrata necessity of one heavy economic maneuver. From these premises barred bloody of the financial institution that filler the fiscal pressure alivelli incredible. “.(ANSA) - ROME, 30 DIC 2007 - New barred in arrival: according to in the 2007 Italian families they will have to disburse 736 euro in piu’. for the fiscal rincari. ‘.Sono previewed - l’.associazione explains - increases for Ici, taxes of registry, hypothecating and catastali of the 113,3%’.”. L’.occupazione of all that that is occupabile, from the places of uscere to the places of general manager or president continues. Indicative the fulminea career of Stefano Fregni. We arrive to the incredible shame of the case of General Speciale, culprit it are refused insabbiare the inquiries that regarded the red cooperatives. The disgustose declarations of the minister Padoa-Schioppa in Parliament, in defense of Visco, touch the bottom truly. The affirmations of the minister will then come refutation from the TAR that reintegra Special to its place, but the minister will remain glue to the seat. Bertani leaves with the liberalizzazioni, those against the small obviously, why the large ones are better not to touch them. The result will be soon visible: increase of the rates of the taxis and strikes of all the categories. To aim 2007 Mortadella us new evidence with the new financial institution, that one that second it helps the yields more weak people and throws again l’.economia. The month precedenta had tried, fortunately without to succeed to us, to put the hands on the treasure of the Bank d’.Italia. This time to the damages of pensions to you. January 2008: frange of the majority they prevent to the Pope to speak to the Wisdom. The Promessore is not in degree, or it does not want, to guarantee the emergency to the Pontefice that renounces to its speech. Finally Mastella notices on its skin as it leave of the magistracy is politicamente organized and exits from the government. The Italian families are more and more poor. Never therefore a lot in last the 20 years. The consumptions are firm and the economic increase passes dall’,1.5% of 2007 estimated all’,1.2% of 2008. The bread prices, cereals meat and sugar are salted to stars. The price of the other products also. Not to mention bills and you skip you vary. The demand for mutua increases of 10.3%, but with l’.aumento of the installments that often translate in one true and own crisis financial institution of the family. Italy, beyond all, `' is also losing the investments indiretti’.' and the interest from part of the deep ones of private equity. This is the Country that the Promessore leaves us after not even two years of government. Indeed a beautiful record, above all if l’.economia world-wide (and European) in such period is believed that has been positive. And for Christian charity we do not speak about the emergency of the citizens and the trash in Campania. Today the Italians hope that peggior the government whom l’.Italia he has never had goes finally in rubbish dump. If to arrive to having of new a primary remainder you he seems poco…. He did not have to last two complete legislature. Mail (sarà not published) (obligatory).

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