Mar 1, 2008

Crossing from Nova Scotia

The aerial transport (far away experiences them) of the mail?niziato in Italy in 1911, also being pi?imbolico that other?ervito in the first flights above all to pubblicizzare the same flights. The Italy?tata between the first nations to expose itself to new the half of transport, being worth large aware pioneers of the possibilit?vevano begun with sport spirit the first audacious enterprises. The enthusiasm provoked between the large public from the leggendarie enterprises of these pioneers has always wrapped of fascination the human flight is that one of the "pi?esante of the air" with the airplane, is that one of the "pi?eggereo of the air" with aerostats and i. In the first years of the Twentieth century, that it was a period of great innovations, an ignited enthusiasm for science and the technique is diffused, such enthusiasm particularly was felt for the aerial enterprises and if of it it finds trace in many letters and postcards (especially the postcards object then of ignited Coleccionism) commemorative of the flights, than often were transported. Particularly notes are the aerial manifestations of best May 1911 that saw the participation of the air ones of the age. To the mythical manifestation "Week of aviation" of May which the twelve better pilots of the age participated, they gave lustro auguste the presences of Vittorio Emanuele III. and of the Queen. We find one curious note of the age on this sent letterina the 1. June 1911 for Nova Scotia (east north of the Canad?ad a sailor from its "defaulting one" that they give to Chiavari makes us sapere.un month makes qu?ono passes the aereoplani who came from Nizza direct for Rome, and cos?bbiamo had for fifteen or so days a large one corrazzata (sic) mail nearly in face to your house, in aid of the areunauti (sic) in case of some. Probably one refers raid to aerial Paris - Nizza - Rome (Centocelle) party from Paris 28 organized March and from the newspaper Parisian Petit Journal. to the participants of the stages Paris - Nizza. Italian pilots of the aerial school of the Italian Navy of Centocelle. The war of "the 15 -" 18 stimol?li technical modernizations for the constructions aeronautics improving manovrabilit?anche the true transports of air mail to cure of the Marine Direction, from Albania to Is drunk a toast, crossing the Adriatic in order to avoid to floating the danger. Such aerial transports had (first to the world) special emissions of stamps and cancellations in order to commemorate these experiments. To the end of the conflict a true race to the use was had trades them of the newborn aerial technology and also the Located Directions began to take in consideration the regular transport of per?ei letters with exclusion assurance and recommendation services (still the mythical transports mail them aerial of years "20 were send mostly of collezionistico character, for the filatelisti made specific emissions that they enjoy large popolarit?Dopo some aircraft incidents with numerous still today died was a stasis in the flights then slowly resumed the experimentations attending a lot. Front line trades them Italian, with regular transport of mail, esord?ra Trieste and Turin with port of call to Pavia the 1 you open them. For the occasion they came emitted stamps I affixed you for. After little days (the 13 You open them) inizi?nche regulating transport mails them aerial between Genoa and Palermo. Legacy to the necessit?elliche also the pi?eggero (airship and aerostats) had a great development during the first world war, came used is like barrier against the enemy airplane, is like support of observatories that scrutavano the movements of the troops (cio?alloni that they could be directed to cio?overnare, with propellers and rudders, to the par of great ships of the sky) were object of challenges with the airplanes that with difficulty succeeded to carry modest weights. If the airplane of a?tato Italian the first one to the world to unload bombs on the enemy?nche true whom the airship German during the first world war several raid of strafing made on the enemy ground, in Italy as an example were pushed to bomb the South Italy. A German airship, left from Bulgaria, riusc?d to carry out a raid of strafing on Naples, to the steel mills of Bagnoli, unloading tons of bombs and causing to damages and human losses of screw. E' per?egli years "30 that the airship becomes the means for excellence for the aerial transport to great distance, particularly. In fact because of the high fuel consumption demanded from the aereoplani, was unthinkable that they could transport passengers and quintals of goods. True E' that they came completed trasvolate from a part to the other of the ocean, but the aereoplani succeeded with difficulty (making stages intermediate in order to resupply itself) to transport same they from the other part of the Atlantic that gave beginning to the great adventure of trasvolate north-Atlantic between Europe and Americas, completing the numerous and regular travels with goodses, passengers and correspondence. The airship was constituted from great supported footballs oblunghi from a rigid structure in pi?eggero gas aluminum filled up of the air, in the inferior part had incorporated one containing small boat the apparatuses of commando, the motors of propulsion to propeller and the cabins of the passengers. all it was planned and constructed in maximum part in. Italy had its first overhead lines of one sure distance when riusc? to be connected overseas with the colonies, in Libia in the 1930(. with the Horn of Africa in 1935 and with the South America in 1939. Chachet of promotion of the Zeppelin airship. For some years the means pi?eloce in order to catch up the ground. Emitted to favor of the Italian Red Cross, for the victims of the strafing carried out on the metallurgical systems. Leaving from the base of Jambol (Bulgaria) 11 March 1918 - Zeppelin LZ59 from one quota 3600 meters scaric?ltre 6 tons of bombs provoking the dead women of sixteen persons. - Letterina from Chiavari in order To make happy River in arrived Nova Scotia the 14 July 1911. (the date of the stamp mails them?el 2 July but the date written by hand in text?el 1. June) nello.un month it makes qu?ono passes the aereoplani that came from Nizza direct for Rome, and cos?bbiamo had for fifteen or so days a large one corrazzata (sic) mail nearly in face to your house, in aid of areunauti (sic) in case of some they misfortune. - Letter from Genoa to Palermo in date 13 You open them 1926 first flight inaugurates them of the line carried out with seaplane with port of call. Commercial Italian airplane follows of little days the inauguration of the first aerial service and of the world, it was sold to Turin and the 28 Rome only emitted June 1927 and for the experiment. it was sold to Rome Naples and Palermo only for the correspondence of.

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