Mar 1, 2008

Daylight savings

iGuzzini - Captazione and transport of natural light introduced Relation to "Lighting Technology: LightFocus 2002"Frankfurt 2002 In 1988 the iGuzzini has started the own studies in fotobiologia matter and has taken to part from a plan of search financed from the CNR (National Center of Search). This search specifically was oriented towards the study of Sistema di Variable Illuminazione to Automatic Regulation for atmospheres lacking in windows (said SIVRA). With the SIVRA we have created an apparatus of able lighting system to produce situations of "natural" lighting system and to recreate the temporal scansion through the light. The second phase of our surveying regarded the way in which the artificial light the sun for the atmosphere lighting system is arranged in the light of lacking in windows. It would be dealt therefore to guarantee a transport in depth of the light with good levels of uniformità of the illuminamento, without to obstruct the visibility of the outside. It turns out to you that we would want to obtain are following: - to guarantee a suitable level of lighting system for the visual tasks demands from the various tipologie of applications. - to save the maximum amount of energy in relation to a careful analysis of the cost-benefits and to the maximum system effectiveness. This search is developed in order to improve the penetration of the diurnal light to the inside of the buildings. The confort visual it is correlated to the amount of light necessary in order to execute specific activities, beyond that to the total quality of the luminous atmosphere. With integrated systems highly innovated, we would obtain following to you we turn out to you:. It would be therefore possible to realize also an energetic saving with the opportune ones dispositi you of control. 3 - A control of the directed irradiation, without to shield the windows and to obstruct the sight of the outside. The system of diurnal lighting system is made up of three elements: to the inside of the building the collector and to the inside is situated the diffuser. In our case, the unit of conduction and transport correspond to the spread unit. The focalization unit is an element of connection between the collector and the diffuser, the whose function is that one to focus and convogliare diurnal light to the inside of the transportation unit. The receiver, posizionato to the outside: he picks up and convoglia lue diurnal in direct and indirect its the members. The interest has been oriented towards systems of captazione and linear concentration through Fresnel discs of a valve, which, using the film to discs of a valve Fresnel 3M-21X. Our solution has been realized in the Active receiver, with translation on the vertical plan. This sagacity reduces the number of members of the system, with obvious benefits on the plan of the management and the maintenance of the system. This solution is chosen for the semplicità of fabrication of the receiver and in order to verify the system effectiveness in the hours of maximum soleggiamento, that is from the 10. A prototype of this active receiver has been constructed and installed near the laboratory it experiences them in the center iGuzzini Lighting system of Recanati. The diffuser, posizionato to the inside of the premises, allows the transport, the emission and the control of the flow. The aspect determine the proportions them, a height of approximately 25 cm in the section, remarkablly more compact if is compared to analogous systems. It is obvious that the object with these reduced dimensions can be put to comparison with traditional luminous sources to proceeds. The innovative characteristics regard the use of the sophisticated optical materials, purposely study you for the transport, the control and the spread of the light in three elements. In this way the artificial light is arranged to the diurnal light in order to compensate the eventual lowerings of the levels of natural lighting system. The monitoring has been carried out in a premises with one surface of 30 meters square. We have used a series of sensors of lux connects to you through a computer for the recording of the data: 15 sensors for the horizontal illuminamento on the pavement you mail to one distance of approximately 240 cm from the lighting system apparatus and 6 sensors on the wall in order controlling the vertical illuminamento. Two various meteorological conditions have been taken in consideration: serene sky and partially covered. The data have been control every 5 minuteren to you during the considered period of the day. One first general appraisal of the energetic saving that could be obtained with the aforesaid system can be made on the base of the following considerations: - the value of the satisfactory considered medium illuminamento in this plan of search is of 300 lux. - In a typical office, similar to our acclimatization of reference, opened from the 9,00, the artificial light remains ignited generally for the entire duration of the working day. The reference day was 1° July 2000, on the base of the carried out measurements. The luminous sources craft them remain extinguished for approximately 3 hours, while they work to 50% for approximately 40 minuteren. The appraisals of energetic character for the prototype installed near the laboratory experience them of the center iGuzzini of Recanati must however be calculated and/or be assessed in various situations: 1- energetic saving during days of serene sky with solar light to the maximum. 2- energetic saving during partially serene days (variable cloudiness). 3- I use of luminous sources crafts them (8 MASTERCOLOR 70W) in order to compensate the lowering of the levels of illuminamento in conditions of variable cloudiness. 4- comparison of the energetic consumption with "an indirect" system of artificial lighting system with the same such luminance to guarantee the 300 lux minimums. The sum of these contributions door to a saving of 1,867 kWh during the entire course of the day, than, in percentage, clearly means a saving of 41,7 % in energy consumptions. If we want to analyze the total economic advantages deriving from the use of this system, we must take in consideration also the levels of confort that the system is in a position to guaranteeing. The system must be analyzed and be studied, because it is possible to estimate the possible implications on a range width of systems for the lighting system of the buildings.

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