Mar 12, 2008

Bios updates FOR DELL

. " ?ata in 1979 in order to defend every species living for direct means of action and the ecological sabotaggio. Against its campaigns, that they have hit with succeeding interests consolidates and the instrumental ecologismo to you of Clinton?obilitata also the FBI. in the article The Rediscovery of Turtle 1sland, the two main western attitudes towards the ecological problem are both riconducibili to one antropocentrica matrix: utilitaristic, in the case of the users, that they think the transformations produced from humanistic and romantica the man irreversible and unavoidable, in the case of the savers, that they judge instead necessary to preservare determined areas circumscribed from the destructive impact of the civilta (where ci?he. The so-called Deep American Ecology represents one third via, cio?na philosophy of life centralized on the priorit?ei values of the biosfera regarding those. It makes to consist 1' integrit?ell' ecosystem in an equilibrium various species of the biosfera without to privilege one antropocentrico (utilitaristic or romantico) to one biocentrico finds of the fertile rest land of culture in the humus anarchical and pacifist of much comunita of base American the movement (not n?artito organization political is born in 1979) Earth First., whose not-hierarchical and decentralized structure draws origin from the requirement to exceed the "situation acclimatizes them lethargic, compromised, always pi?egata to corporative interests you" which that one of the late years Seventy members, defining itself simply Earth First.ers, the multicultural opening of the movement turns out above all from its inside (from the gandhiana nonviolence to the philosophies orients them, dall umanesimo anarchical and pacifist to the recovery to the sabotaggio value attributed to the vata direct action from the convincement that the requirements of the biosfera and the biodiversit?on can be negotiated in the political arena but descents in practical of lived a political-social concrete and utopico go at the same time, and online with the tradition of the refusal of the delegation and the car-representation. Their "war" in order to conserve incontaminati spaces (wilderness) to the free air, bens?i enough aggressively proposes "to recreate immense areas of ' wilderness' in all the ecosystems of the planet: to identify areas key, to close roads, to remove takeovers, and to introduce the uprooted wild life ". shapes of nonviolent protest like sit-in or tree-sitting, the gatherings echo-pacifists, the guerrilla-theatre, nonch?g extreme shapes piu connected to the practical ones of the ecological sabotaggio (monkeywrenching). documentation and collection of data, the cause intentata against private responsibles of behaviors not online with the legislation on the atmosphere. Such strategies come thought in some cases necessary, but absolutely not substitutive of the action directed in its several shapes, defined like one "effort personal and focused in front line in the war lead against ers rivendicano moreover the function of the arrest or the civil disobedience in recalling the attention on the problems of the defense of the fore ste, of the biodiversit? of the wilderness. strongly illegal like the ecological sabotaggio, approval like maximum shape of ends: it does not come officially recognized but several activists the prati- cano a.tito characterize it them in any case (, with she objects to you aimed to you and modalita the piu possible nonviolent). those for the conservation of the secular forests (especially the Redwoods Californian), for the protection of much species in via of extinction (in particular the predators, judge to you essential for 1' equilibrium of the ecosystem) and for the reforestation of the coastal states above all. The coordination of the attivita one to national level has sortito moreover various turns out to you important like the end of the import of the manzo costaricano from part of the Burger King, 1' institution of a Outrage Day ("Day of the Insult") anniversary against Forest Service American and various plans educated to you and informed to you on the defense of the atmosphere. The thread conductor of all these initiatives and, beyond to the directed action, the convincement that "in order protect really a bioregione, we must become born to you, aboriginal, connects you to it in the body and the spirit": living in the wilderness, to explore of ancestral forests and to document the existence of species in danger is all modalit?oncrete for esperire a true contact and authentic with the nature, based on an active participation to the equilibriums meeting or political gathering, considered from the Earth First.ers like the stone of inciampo of piu of a movement integrated ecologist, comes in the light of reinterpretato the direct action like rising of party to topic much creative, with teatrali rappresentazioni, concerts, poetry, potlachs and an other campaign without famous worthy doubt of and that one said Zero Extract, that it wants to abolish the exploitation of the natural resources to scopes trades them or industrial on federal lands, with operations of extraction or deforestation finalized to the breeding (grazing) and the commerce of lumber of the existing atmosphere to the state puts into effect them, fruit of the battles ecologists of years Seventy but modified piece after piece in the course of years Eighty and Ninety come considered from the Earth inadequate First. all to preservare values like 1' natural habitat or the health of ecosistema.000 the acres to the important crossing fluvial ways and cascades, habitat of a species in danger as salmone (1' the area made throat to the powerful lobby of the wood spalleggiata from the senator. The choice dell' direct action and del refusal of every meaningful compromise and as well as piu, if ecological program of piu of a politician, not last the president Clinton and del the Green Party di Nader is believed alla strumentalit?el, than especially nell' the West to pu?ontare on approximately 10' the Fo goddesses consents, Clinton and Gore is in fact proposals recently on the credit side public opinion like champions della cause enviromentalist (thanks also al support del Mountain range Club), bench?n passed especially Gore it was marked for for vicace opposition to all the plans of reform is left over (give it to protection goddesses to you dolphins and delle whales to those against pesticidi and the nuclear). state introduced from the press like the salvatore of the Park of Yellowstone from the grinfie of the mining giant Canadian Noranda: in realta the paid sottobanco in terms of concessions and allowed price on dislocated federal lands elsewhere it exceeds by far the damage blanketed in native place. In the same way, the veto place on California (the last exemplary of existing red forests) and on some federal lands of the Utah have established a dangerous one in fact to pay salata 1' abstention from initiatives that would be however strongly. Hurwitz has been promised proprieta fabulous in the Bay Area, between which probably Treasure Island or the Garrison). Of forehead to one political cosi instrumental of management of the resources acclimatize them puo to be understood that 1' echo-radicalisms of Earth., little enslaved to the logical privatistiche of the profit and the litico compromise po-, arouse worry and indignation in who has interests from guardian in fact stiff especially in the last years ers like ready bloody-thirsty terrorists to all, while a special program of the FBI, implying also 1' directed physical elimination, has had for object to leave from the first years draft of one ennesima riedizione of the COINTELPRO, a devised program some decades ago from the FBI in order to infiltrate and to disintegrate radical political organizations like the Black Panthers and 1' American Indian Movement, rendered public in the 1971, with 1' aggravating cioe of an extension to the body rations private piu directly threatened in their interests from the Earth First. An example of the fury with which the provocative agents of the FBI perseguitano every shape of dissent, to ditato and nonviolent how much me, in flagrant violation of the constitution, and 1' operation of in filtering completed to the damages of the group of Arizona in order inducing the members to complete actions online with repressive the illegal ones does not re-enter also 1' attempted endured in the Ninety from two Californian activists, Bari and Cherney, promotori of a campaign in defense of the redwoods Californian, jumps to you in air for a bomb put in their car and subsequently it indicts you from the FBI for possession and manipolazio -. This attack, preceded from died anonymous threats of to the at- tivisti piu in sight after a dark sabotaggio to the telephone lines of Cruz Saint, attributed garlics person in charge of surveyings and result to be approximately twenty years ago to the indictment (on the base of tests nonexistent or mounted) of the Black Panther Geronimo Jaga (Pratt) and two echo-activists have had to be demonstrated in judicial center through an interminable series of causes that has seen recently like main culprit the same FBI, the against-accused of to have mounted 1' episode to conclusion of one. To prescind from the played active role from the FBI in the disintegration of the movement, 1' attitude sure has highly summarizedly not contributed to deepen the acquaintance of the methods and like gross terrorists, ready to all also carrying ahead their fanatical ideas, the activists of the movement are themselves find to you to piu of an occasion, not last that one of a news program of the ABC net that tried to connect the decontestualizzato movement with scenes of violence gushed from an action of pacific civil disobedience, the program aimed to lead back cruento the echo-terrorism of T. Kaczynski to the nonviolent philosophy of Earth First., on the base of a presumed contact happened to a convention on the atmosphere held in 1994 to "test" came produced a list of possible objects stilata from Kaczynski and published to you from the review "Live Wild or Die" (and Journal ", like supported from the ABC program). The attempt to paint this movement given over echo-pacifist like to the terrorism and a new evidence of the efforts puttinges in action in order to discredit a ventennale experience that, for better or for worse, it has marked. Trying to construct one valid and intransigente alternative to the instrumental ambientalismo of you leave yourself political in the advanced democracies, the Deep Ecology from extreme answers to one situation of extreme emergency, of which the and in wide responsible measure model western-American. Absolutely little known or pubblicizzata in the oltreoceano countries, 1' experience. in so far as it represents, in its refusal of a little transparent organization, a reaction also to the impasse puts into effect them of Greenpeace. This last, in fact, less and less inclined one to promote "illegal" actions, also where demanded from the circumstances, it appears incapa ce to produce piu a wide reflection on the implications of the emergency acclimatizes them and it is revealed however always pi?mpelagata in a pure bureaucratic vision to tuire moreover a valid point of departure for a debate that would be favorable it opened also in Italy, sight puts into effect it them absence of answers is theoretical is political, on one situation of degradation without previous and that it threatens to carry to the passing of the same human species.

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