Mar 6, 2008
Cartoon monsters explicit hardcore
. After Michel Serrault and Ingmar Bergman, it is with the turn of Michelangelo Antonioni to draw its reverence, at 95 years. The scenario writer had begun like criticism from cinema before becoming assistant-réal of Marcel Carné on, then scenario writer, and not for no matter whom: Roberto Rossellini and Federico Fellini. Behind the camera, it becomes famous with. Dedication seven years later with. Antonioni will carry out several films in Hollywood of which. Like Bergman, the realizer worked until the end but it was made help by its pars: a cerebral accident left with half paralysed in 1985. Wim Wenders will assist it to realize (1995). Wong Kar-Wai and Steven Soderbergh will make in the same way for. Two superstars of the cinema disappeared at a few hours from interval. The Cry of the Cormorant the Evening above Jonques. sometimes white, even sad clown, all in nuances, sober. Bergman, it, are assimilated to a demanding cinema, even difficult of access, at thousand light-years of the roles "general public" of Serrault. For as much, each one with its manner attempted to peel the human heart, to penetrate with deepest of the characters to reveal their truth of it. As this Monday the critic Michel Ciment specified it on, the work of the Swedish scenario writer is characterized by diversity: it carried out very purified films. The realizer was also a large director of theatre. Serrault also used its shoes on the boards, of. It worked also much with television, in particular at the side of Pierre Tchernia (Offenbach, adaptations of the news of Marcel Aymé). The tele one, Bergman made some also much, in particular these last years. Serrault as Bergman never ceased working: the second until 2003 (. In short, of the integral artists, open but demanding. Lastly, as this blog is largely devoted to the American cinema, it is interesting to note that neither the actor, nor the scenario writer answered the sirens of Hollywood, if as well is as they ever called them. And yet, their influence was felt there: Bergman is a god for Woody Allen and it inspired by many realizers, until Spielberg in. As for Serrault, it initially marked Broadway indirectly, where was adapted before being it on large screen. The actor concluded his moving autobiography. by writing that it was impatient to find Poiret and Carmet to remake the idiots as with good old days. Go, goes Michel, insane with hair in front of Saint-Pierre, that will do it surely marrer. Iron Man: the first images, the méga festival of the American data base, finished Sunday with San Diego. Many exclusive film images and new series were presented there which made a cuckoo retransmitted by satellite as for him came to be addressed to the many fans. In no-claims bonus, it projected a few minutes of its film. A rather sympathetic teaser which caused the enthusiasm of the public. in video on the very good Uruloki site. The team of Indiana Jones 4 allured the fans Each end July, is held in San Diego largest raoût of geeks in the world:. And each year, Hollywood comes to present to it the first images of its new films and series adapted of comics. Since it acts of action, adventures, S-F, horror, of fantastic, Lucasfilms gave a progress report on its projects in progress and in particular on its headlight production:. Steven Spielberg and its principal actors made a cuckoo at the assembly at the time of a live retransmission since their studio. The scenario writer explains there that after having developed very personal works decided to make this film for the fans. He introduces then Harrison to them Ford, in his "costume dirty and full with sweat", Ray Winstone which "plays the good-looking young men in" (and who believes being the good-looking young man in, encensé by Spielberg for its service in. The "kid" states not to know which role it interprête in film. This absence of heroin was quickly filled by. Karen Allen, which spun blows of fists and blows of ice in Indy in, do not read this article because I balance capital information on one of the characters. I you said all of it it although I thought about it. While leaving the room, the elder one said to me: "For once, the black hero does not die at the end". Yes, I know, it is early for his age (8 years). Transformers, whose here trailer black (Tyrese Gibson) escapes from death, it is not the case of Jazz, one of Autobots. It is the nice extraterrestrial robot to only perish at the time of the engagements against malicious Décepticons. "the robots do not have a color. Each Autobot learned English thanks to the Web. Apparently, Jazz specialized on sites very "street". And at the time of the final méga baston, it is the only victim. Here a post that I will have had to write one month ago but good, "old motorcyclist that never", as said Coluche., Fox practised a pub campaign in the spirit of the famous family created by Matt Groenig: disrespectful, shifted and funny. A campaign started upstream of the ceremony of the Oscar with. Then there was this true-false video amateur which circulated on the Net. A tourist of passage in New York filmed the Statue of the Freedom vandalized with a donut. The symbol of freedom and the hope would have been used to promote an animated drawing. The polemic did not have time to burst: the video was a fake. Continuing its company of simpsonisation of sites in charge of history, Fox made draw a gigantesqueHomer in calbute (what is better than) offering a not less gigantic donut to the giant of Abbas Ring, in England - 300 years an old drawing. Live emotion at British pagan associations. Another good idea of the aces of the marketing of Fox: to transform American supermarkets into. Beowulf: a trailer bluffante Ras-le-bol of these actors who do not do exactly what you ask them. Enough of the technical team which spends three hours to install an unhappy dolly. Scenario writers, made like Robert Zemeckis: pass to the cgi. Not, it is not a box of comprehensive insurances or a new studio. It is right the abbreviation of "computer generated imagery", that is to say all the images carried out by computer. And well, Bob decided to make its films entirely numerically. First attempt with the nice tale of Christmas:. The realizer had called upon his pal Tom Hanks to interpret several characters in front of a green screen. As many scenes which had been worked over again to give place to the birth of misadventures of the actor. Then it passed by again behind the camera, euh forgiveness the computer, to deliver its version of a Anglo-Saxon poem epic of VIIe century:. But this time, Bob wanted to make a film with returned 100% realistic. It was surrounded of a casting of shock (Angelina Jolie, Anthony Hopkins, Ray Winstone). No misadventures thus stylized but of the resembling characters hyper. The result is impressive as proves it. Peter Jackson and Steven Spielberg who joined in a realistic style which respects the universe of Hergé. I am curious to see what that will give. Michael, the sheep which makes Bay. is on 850 screens in France, and one should have been swallowed limps of lexomil not to have intended some to speak. Anderton tells you all the good qu’.il of it thought about it. For my part, I n’.ai not found that as Transformidable as him, but this n’.est not Transformerde either, far from there. What surprises me more with Michael Bay, c’.est its aptitude has to reproduce the same scenes in each one of its films. Transformers, whose here trailer the same circular dolly around Bernie Mac in its garage, qu’.il had there already in both around both bad actors. Scene that l’.on found in the gunfights de…. 1 and 2 and where the camera passed between the holes of balls (and yes). More annoying, c’.est undoubtedly the final plan of where Ben Affleck made the blow of the "animal crakers" in beautiful Liv Tyler. And when Shia runs on the roofs of the city with its smoke producer, one re-examines and his smoke-producing with knees on. With his false airs of Kevin Spacey, Ulrich Mühe made known himself in France in. He incarnated there the officer of Stasi which spy an author of theatre in East Berlin of the Eighties. A beautiful role for a good film, signed Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck and rewarded for the Oscar of best foreign film in 2007. All in emotions selected, Mühe transformed during film its character cold and distant as a man gradually upset by the culture, art, the life must much with its interpretation. He also played in 2006 in polemical film. The actor, originating in ex-GDR, will not have had time to assert himself apart from his country: he has just died of the continuations of a cancer of the stomach mortem, to take again the expression of Marcel Martial, like a sincere homage. Transformers: a mechanics oiled well In rooms: Of all the blockbusters which break in the cinemas this summer, is with my direction emblématique. And, like always, Michael Bay assumes and ensures. It connects spectacular scenes on pieces of anthology. The rare moments without explosion nor squealings of tires are used to prepare, generally with humour, a new sequence to cut the breath. No philosophy with asséner, nor of message to be delivered: Michael is there to put of them full the sight and the ears. And I am the first to regret films of action without tail nor head. But there, that does not waste of anything the pleasure. And then, the spectator who pays his place to see Camarro becoming an extraterrestrial mechanics, frankly, it does not await a scenario of Paul Haggis. Derrières machines, men. It is imposing, hénaurme even, but always succeeded. Good, the defect of Bay, it is sometimes to make a little of them too much and with the final bouquet of explosions, cascades and buildings in ruins, one comes very close to indigestion, the overflow, already considering Mike has the good taste to stop in time. And then, beside this vice of special effects, one côtoie a beautiful skewer of actors but his success is amply deserved. In the role of anti-bimbo, Megan Fox gains the drinking cup: is necessary to see it raising the cap of a motor to diagnose the breakdown there. I know some in the garages which will throw their old crasseux calendars of to replace them by posters of beautiful brown. Frankly, I know nothing in cases there but with a similar meuf for mechanic, I is ready to subscribe me in Car what is also sympathetic in this film, they are that one enough. Michael Bay is not caught with the serious one. It makes fun even of him, when a teenager declares after a fall of "meteorite" that it is even stronger than. I did not always appreciate films of Michael Bay (go ahead Marcel, say to us why this type is a genius) but there, it transformed me into fan. The barbarians invade the obscure rooms. What distinguishes the barbarian from civilized. The questions are not new but they seem to interest the cinema in this moment, two films (which leave soon to France) approach the shock of civilizations. of Marcus Nispel approaches a meeting rather seldom evoked: that of the Amerindians and the Vikings. The continuation is less original since one of the children Vikings is collected by the Indians and becomes one as of theirs. Become adult, this Indian of adoption, interpreted by Karl Urban (the Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Riddick, Death in the Skin), will defend his family of adoption when new Scandinavian warriors give their boots on the American ground. Little Big Man, Dance with the Wolves. What does not want to say only of Doug Lefler, which leaves on September 19, the barbarians attack a great civilization: the Empire Romain.En 476 after Jesus-Christ, Rome is not any more the "queen of the world". (the young person Thomas Sangster, which already adorned the toga in), Aurélius (Firth Hake) share with the research of the last legion remained faithful to the emperor. This series B seems flirter with series Z. When with knowing why the shock of civilizations impassions as much, it is only one reflection of the state of the world and the international relations. Handing-over of the copies in two hours. Hot Fuzz: the heroes are funny, delirious parody of film of zombies, Edgar Wright and its pal Simon Pegg tackles bodybuildés films of action. One could have feared a systematically absurd treatment a little soûlant (and especially already considering), it of it is not nothing: further goes, it places the parody beyond its references. One fout that, to lay the scenario, the realizers had enquiller more than 200 mythical police films. The pitch has only little interest besides, to as well want to summarize this immense burst of laughter appears ridiculous and reducing once as the film was seen. My council: to still see, re-examine and re-examine. NB: There is little, one spoke to you about the true trailers of false films include between the two parts of the diptych. Don' T, which you can see here. The brilliant series to the five Césars, the series of HBO whose 2e season is currently diffused on. At thirty years of interval, these two tele series revisit ancient Rome by taking again on their account the codes péplum for better dynamiting them. Me Claude Empereur (I Claudius), of which here a trailer card, is a series produced and diffused by. Those which sigh already by vomitting the tele one of dad would make better revise their traditional. During its life, it attends Auguste, Tibère, Caligula and Néron. it attends with their turpitudes and those of their entourage - men and women loans with very to control, it is a question of ambitions, human dramas, cruelty and love, madness and humour, sex and combat. Admittedly, the images are less raw in, although some centres and buttocks spout out from one episode to another and that the togas are sometimes soiled with blood. But passions, violence, the horror even, still strike the televiewer of aujourd' today, the casting is royal, or rather imperial. Derek Jacobi (Cadfael brother with tele and second role in and delivers an unforgettable interpretation, which rightly will several times be rewarded. For Caligula, the insane emperor who is caught for a god, one thinks of course of Malcolm McDowell in the version movies of. It is to forget the performance there still extraordinary of John Hurt. It is necessary to see it playing the nut, bringing to his uncle Tibère, terrorizing his court or ridiculing themselves, grimé. Other appearances which will charm the film enthusiasts: Patrick Stewart with hair buckled (.) which, before interpreting the noble Picardy Captain of. John Rhys Davies without barb (Sallah, the faithful friend of, or Gimli, the dwarf coleric in. Lastly, one recognizes Simon MacCorkindale - rappellez you, the hero of (one sees it in the second plan, at the beginning of this extract). of the great series of the history the tele one is one (the British placed it in 12e position of the 100 better series of all times). You can order it on the site of the distributor. PS: For the geeks of the péplum and Antique (of which I form part), this series is drawn from the literary work of Robert Graves. a series of brilliant books which can be read before or after the vision of the tele series. Tom Cruise: one-eyed to Be good (German). Not, this photograph was not taken on the turning of. It is quite simply the first image of Tom Cruise on the turning of. As its behaviour indicates it, it interprets a soldier of Wehrmacht during the Second World War. Not any: colonel Claus von Stauffenberg, which took part in the "plot of the German Generals" aiming at assassinating Hitler. This turning had badly begun since the German authorities had initially refused the access to certain military sites. Reason: Tom Cruise is a scientologist and the Scientology is described as sect in Germany, as in France besides. Finally, Berlin reconsidered its decision and the prohibited sites were thus opened with the prod. On the other hand, the son of von Stauffenberg décolère not that a scientologist incarnates his dad with the screen. Beyond the polemic, one awaits with interest the exit of this film (in 2008) carried out by Bryan Singer (Usual Suspects, X-Men, Superman Returns). And then, despite everything his pans, Tom Cruise remains an immense actor. If you read these lines, you are dissolves of cinema. Thus you know, you like, you adore. But the genius of the crimes on paper envisaged a plan worthy of its best best-seller. In 1973, that weighs four nominations with the Oscars: two giants for the title of better actor, the réal for that de…. better réal, the last nomination concerning the music. In short, the film is sublime, d’.une extreme cruelty and d’.une unequalled subtlety. As one knows the scenario writers of the 21e broken down century, here is that our friend (with N, thank you Ralph), which had slept has fists closed for a few years, decided d’.en to make the remake. And its great idea c’.est to d’.avoir pris…. bearings of tambours…. Michael Caine to play the part of the novelist. True C’.est qu’.il would be a little hard in the role of the young person coiffeur…. Thus which s’.y adhesive: c’.est Jude Law which, between 2 sitteuses fornications of baby, cuts a beautiful small career. One will speak again about it to the Oscars 2008 bus a priori. NB: Subtlety among all, in l’.original, the film n’.a that 2 actors, but the credits announce 6 of them: they are aujourd’.hui credited in all the bases. It will be seen how Kenneth will bring up to date all that. After having spent one day with, Julie Delpy decided réiterer the experiment by doubling the setting and by carrying out itself. It appears that one finds there at the same time best cinema of French author and cinema "intello" with American (cf Personnellement, I do not dedicate any worship with Alain Resnais or Woody Allen: I thus went to see this virgin film of all a priori. Julie Delpy carefully avoids (almost in a too systematic way) the stereotypes related to the cultural ditch which separate it from his/her lover (Adam Goldberg, seen in) and explores with force dialogues a relation in love confronted with discovered past "French" and décomplexé of the one with the partners. It funny and is removed, intelligent without being irritating. The director wanted to make a comedy: it reached that point for our greater pleasure. Y does not have that the movies in the life. You cry like a madeleine in front of a cgi of madness. You never fall asleep without teddy, your cuddly toy which more left you since your childhood. You finally learned how to sort your pack of Kro. And finally, you are a follower of beautiful-odd who will invade Europe starting from this autumn. The collective experiment: most beautiful movie theaters. The 10 rooms appearing in the classification were distinguished is by their architecture (with Portland cement is an old school), their animation (in Austin thus inter alia diffused the trilogy of by being used for the spectators the same dishes as what the characters ate with l’.écran). Because nothing will never replace the manner of perceiving a film in a movie theater, full if possible. And nothing will never be worth l’.attente feverish producers and realizers when Wednesday the results of the 14h Cinéchiffres is about to fall. Because c’.est largest (2800 armchairs), most beautiful. Because "the fairyhood of water" and Disney of d’.année end and because c’.est that whose frontage still resembles a true frontage of cinéma…. All is in the name, as in a good film. Gift of the director of the Good market to his wife, this Chinese pagoda, built in full VIIe district, was the fashionable reception point until 1931. 3) the MK2 Quay of Seine-Quay of the Loire (Paris). one can take his place of movies and put oneself in terrace at the edge of the canal…. and the n’.est place never over-populated, contrary to the Markets. By far the most interesting cinema aujourd’.hui in the capital. Of course, much d’.autres places is made conspicuous by their architecture or their programming. This list n’.a d’.ailleurs for goal to make you react and give us your good plans of film enthusiasts. There are also many rooms which are pure jewels and which closed or are in a lamentable state such, with its large room equipped d’.un roof which can s’.ouvrir on the étoiles…. The next week, directors of rooms which make move the choses…. Johnson & Johnson (in silence, our c?ur resounds) Die Hard 4: The good film at the good place. Frankly of all the young old men d’.Hollywood, Bruce is still that which is in better state. Die Hard 4 (Live Free gold Die Hard), of which here the trailer. Effective, malignant, crafty beggar, with this qu’.il is necessary of too, compensated for parce qu’.il is necessary derision. And even if the end is really too "hénaurme" (, which makes all the difference on the frankness. Where the 2 overrates on the vagueness of the first, where the 3 put the package in casting (., Jeremy Irons), the 4 rests in the hands of the c’.est good, that done of the good, that catharsise (j’.avais desire for killing anybody while leaving), and that requinque. C’.est a whisky freezes in shot repeated several times. With Fisherman' S friends with each glass. of Len Wiseman, with Bruce Willis, Justin Long, Timothy Oliphant and Maggie Q (left on July 4). Bruce is bald person but it is very powerful can be funny when it would be necessary to be afraid. John McClane can be extremely when n’.importe which would be with l’.hosto under morphine besides (a play makes it possible to balancer/recevoir sweet chestnuts like him). John McClane can control an helicopter in two minutes and fight F16 in full sky, upright on a wing. John McClane is stronger than. John McClane, c’.est Bruce Willis. And fortunately, because thanks to Bruce one believes in the exploits of John, one laughs with his muddy jokes, one n’.a more shame to d’.avoir a behavior macho and regressive. Bruce, this n’.est not of the chocolate in a leather slipway, but one n’.en would not have had like him to come to beardless end d’.un megalomaniac. As much to say qu’.un hacker which comes to disturb l’.équilibre economic of the United States does not make the poids…. Die Hardware 4 (Live Free gold Die Hardware), is thus a formality for Bruce. A formality which enables him to sublimate the character of John and c’.est jouissif. Ocean' S 13: you opened the valves You were 12 to make you péter the neurons on this photograph. and as Coubertin said it: "C’.est well". "Hello, it is you who ordered an exorcist. "One Saturday evening in front of the tele Frenchwoman. "One would have better done to stop with. "And if one called Valerie Damidot to remake this decoration of john. "A Hollywood, 2 actors out of 3 are ready to sleep to obtain a role with truths actors: of left with right, Shrek, Fiona and the ass ". "I hear the Wolf, the Fox and the Weasel, I hear the Wolf and the Fox to sing. Its Minor Majesty: teaser and blog major A a few months of the exit of his new film, Jean-Jacques Annaud launches a blog. The War of Fire, the Name of the Rose, the Bear and the Lover. A text "blazing" which gives life to "a merry film, pagan and free", explains the scenario writer. Of this original work (in all the directions of the term), one knows that it has as a theatre an island of Cyclades and that it is held in "primitive" Antiquity. It is also known that Vincent Cassel and Garcia appear in the credits. For the remainder, one counts on Annaud to impress us, like it has sû to do it more than one once. The buzz still grows bigger and grows bigger around. It is in any case what the teaser. leaves think: filmed clandestinely by spectators then put on line on Internet, this teaser was initially prohibited by Paramount before being finally authorized. Reversals, mystery, what to excite the film enthusiasts and the Net surfers here. film, posts only one then two then three photographs. All the 1-18-08, is the date of the exit of film in rooms but also (thus) of the catastrophe in the heart of film, the geeks of the Web unearthed a Japanese site. But, the logo of this nectar, unknown of the rays of supermarkets, is reproduced on the tee-shirt of a person filmed at the time of this famous festival, in the teaser. In addition, the site contains many explanations in English, which is rather rare with the country of the raising sun. In addition, Slusho indicates how the firm was created: a named woman Noriko who wanted to discover a new drink taste disappeared at sea. His/her Ganu son continued research of his mother and discovered in the great depths of the ocean a single ingredient in the world. And community of the fabric to imagine the continuation: Ganu would have awaked a monster (one intends in the teaser somebody to shout: "It is alive. A fan from fan, Nightowl3090, even laid to review all the possible theories. There would be all the fine air, not. In short, one does not know any much more than front but Abrams is making a success of the first part of its plan: us to make salivate. Death Sentence: "Mr. All-the-World" makes justice From time to time, the father of pleasant, honest, hard-working family and which always pays her taxes, pête a lead and is transformed into animal of war. Sometimes, it has some just enough of what it sees around him and lets be expressed its driven back racism, its hidden brutality. It is the case of Michael Douglas in. In other cases, hooligans were caught some to its family and vis-a-vis with the absence of reaction of the authorities, it is transformed into dispenser of justice relentless (. Charles Bronson made his goodwill of it, in particular with a Dispenser of justice in Ville/Death Wish. A malignant p' tit compiled the number of rogues whom it butts: it is it. This time, it is Kevin Bacon which endorses the costume of "type-without-history-which-want-avenge-the-death-of-sound-wire". , which leaves at the end of August in States. Behind the camera, James Wan, the realizer of. Indiana Jones 4: Harrison Ford vis-a-vis with the camera. You thus know that on, a log book in video presents the projection of the prod: one can discover one there right now. I still only will make a post with each new video on line (. And well, in spite of the 60 brushes of the catch, I find that that still does it. If not, the actor exchanges some jokes with Spielberg (under the hat) and Lucas (*) before moving away, intertwined to Steven., George Lucas wears a tee-shirt of Yan Solo on which is written "Han Shot First" (Yan drew the first). during a conversation in charge of threats. In the version brought out in rooms later, it is Greedo which drew the first. A way of softening the character of Solo but which caused the anger of the fans. With this tee-shirt, Lucas, as a Master of the COM, puts an end to the polemic. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: anarchy with the country of the wizards. But it is normal, I adore the supermen. There are some books which I read like that, and of which I could not separate me before arriving at the end. And it is similar for the adaptations to the cinema. Faithful to the style, perfect in the reconstitution, ideal in the choice of the casting and increasingly more impressive in the proportioning of impeccable special effects ", a small interior voice answers systematically" Not ". is a film of perfect and really captivating kind. A treat, for the small ones and the large ones. Persecuted by its family of moldus (human), pursued by a whole heap of pushing back creatures and tracked by That-of which-one-$$$-KNOWN as-not-the-name. That made smile, that made fear and that made shiver. Because Harry Potter attaching, touching, palpitating and is always very well surrounded of his/her perfect friends Ron and Hermione which remain unchanged. It is very simple finally, Harry Potter should be canonized. Warning: the post and the bonds below are reserved to the adults and for the boutonneux banked-up beds. At the hour when in two clicks, no matter who can have access to any video porn, where the trash côtoie the vulgar one. And the erotism had its Master in the person of Tinto Brass. This Italian scenario writer, deceased in August 2006, is especially known for. Because the universe of Tinto Brass is completely contrary to films X: when hardeurs enquillent scenes of kisses without tail neither head (way of speaking), Tinto grants care to photograph, with decorations, with when films X are torchés in buildings which hesitate between foil and the glaucous one, with love and its heroins are the "maîtres(ses) play", contrary to the poor girls of X which is made humiliate by décérébrés standards, girondes, full with natural, hairy forms same in short, without silicone, neither tattooing, nor piercing, Tinto can take its time for a pair of buttocks, where the hardeurs multiply the large surgical plans with to make stack a gynéco, All Ladies C It/Cosi Tutte Fan when the hardeurs make laugh in spite of them their weak situations and their inept dialogues, which takes also its foot to dynamite the pillars of our company (moral, family, religion, policy, money.) while the dynamite of films X summarizes with the disproportionate mêche its male actors. For all these reasons, the box of 6 DVD Tinto Brass brings a puff of fresh air in the nauséux room to orgies of X do not appear in this box but one discovers there on the other hand some of large films of Brass: Living room Kitty, All Ladies C It (Cosi Tutte Fan). in question is a brothel set up by the Nazis in Berlin. The subject strong and serious, hard sometimes, is very marked "the Seventies". is a small jewel which tells the "career" of a a little naive girl who integrates a brothel by love. One 7th wafer of no-claims bonus on "it maestro" would have been the welcome but let us not be sulky our pleasure. If you want to crack, go on the site of the distributor (*) Fravidis is a small distributor which has in its catalogue full with scarcities. I contacted them to propose chroniquer to them three boxes DVD. I them thank bus CinéBlogywood for it is not DVDrama (one is still given a year to puff out them. It is all the more inflated of their share which I prevented them that I will remain free of my remarks. Next appointments on a series multi-césars and it bello Marcello. Harry Potter soaks its rod in cement Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (of which here the trailer). George Clooney, Brad Pitt and Matt Damon had already immortalisé their ends a few weeks ago of that. They make tariff of group maintaining in Hollywood or what. Harry Potter: the true face of revealed Voldemort." The message is clear, remains to know if the magic of VoldeMad (aka Alfred E has the gift to stick to the actu by giving us banana (I speak about the smile. if a banana in your trousers causes, it is that you have a problem and you frighten me). This estival number besides is very inspired by the actu movies: with the synopsis, in addition to a parody of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (of which here the trailer) I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry, a very gay comedy with Adam Sandler and Kevin James. I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry Indiana Jones 4: Spielberg makes the idiot Non, this photograph is not drawn from version VHS of It is right Steven Spielberg which makes to the idiot the scenario writer smiles to him and greets it. Then it from goes away while the other does not return from there to have been. What is incredible, it is that while the fan filmed this scene, it had a telephone screwed with the ear and commented on the scene on line. It forms part of the log book on turning on line on. Others vidéos were put on line on YouTube at the time of turning in the University of Harvard organized by the prod on the spot. The proof that this censure does not function, Viggo Mortensen finds David Cronenberg (vice versa and conversely) for. A film enticing by this association and the remainder of the casting: Naomi Watts, Vincent Cassel (definitely, the Slavic gangster lives it - cf with Nicole Kidman) and Armin Mueller-Stahl. Also enticing by the history, which turns around the Russian Maffia is full with promises not dull, therefore. The history is very well known but always also beautiful for those which live it. It was necessary to put everyone of agreement. Of course, there were negotiations but the deal was concluded. It nevertheless should have been made sure that the starting objective would be achieved. Very quickly, the team decided not to resort to the special effects and other cgi. All in all, the prod occurred well. Difficult moments ago, like always in a company of this scale, but ausi of the moments sublimes. At the end of a few months, one could see a first teaser. That remained still mysterious but one was packed. The first trailer confirmed all it although one thought of this common work. Then after a rather discrete campaign marketing (one exploited the word of mouth), the date of exit was announced: July 14, 2007. And then, one said oneself: "And why not anticipate", since the demand was very keen. First attempt at exit on July 4 but there, technical problem. Second possible window: July 9. And then, gamble, the prod decided miser over the amulet day: 07-07-07. After long hours of anguish, the delivery: it is a success. The public is charmed, the team with the angels. Welcome with Wendy (50 cm, 3,240 kilos), born little before 19h. Live Earth: the councils ecologist of the stars began this morning (French hour) in Sydney. 24 hours in concerts around planet and it is for the good cause: to take share in the fight against the climatic reheating. The initiative is to be related to the credit of Al Gore, to the impetus of its excellent conferences adapted to the cinema under the title. One had said to you much good of it. The ex-candidate in the White House can count on the support of many artists, the first of which, Leonardo DiCaprio, itself coproducer of a documentary ecologist. Find them, like Naomi Campbell, in has been in rooms for two days and the spirits s’.échauffent: it is as explosive as. Probably yes, but we do not engage: that will make l’.objet d’.un next post on your blog preferred. What I advise you as a preliminary, c’.est you replonger in the saga clip of Guyz Nite which you will find here. A film worship + an emission worship. a girl vis-a-vis with the exactions of a mode didactorial. One knew the taste of Guillermo Del Toro for the monsters and the universes terrifants (), one knew less than it was capable of smoothness in their treatment. And for once, worst of the monsters (special mention with Sergi Lopez is not ugliest: it is exceptional). It is well, it is beautiful and it is intelligent: who says better. In the role of the multi-millionaire started from nothing (I schematize), Tomer Sisley. Turning begins next September under the direction from Jerome Salle, the realizer of the team will go in particular to Malta (in the yacht. The innovation, it is that a blog of turning was launched:. First video on line: Tomer Sisley is made shooter. Jean-Claude Van Damme, the gay karate expert. It is not the title of the last song of Johnny Hallyday, nor that of an immortal work of max Pécas but one approaches some. It is indeed an unfinished film going back to 1984 and left only in VHS. With, in guest star, a young p' tit which does not want any: Jean-Claude Van Damme. Where one reaches Olympe, it is when it is discovered that, for its first role, the king of karate and philosophy interprets. I hear already Johnson & Johnson to release: "It is not. If you are "No life" then you already could notice that the forums are agitated as soon as the word "cloverfield" appears. And if the forums cry their mother and well appear you that it is because some small lucky could discover at the time of a projo test of and that they decided to make shit the planet oueb.) but perso, I find that completely idiot. Because the images are dispos: crafty one filmed with the movies. Quality is average but you will be able to make cry the cyclops. Johnson & Johnson: of return of the club med gym. The "porn software" with the help of the European cinema the European Commission opened a chain on YouTube, baptized. a clip to promote the European cinema. The series of cries orgasmic on bottom of small music (of room of course) ends in an explicit call: "Let' S come together." In short, it is not any more EUTube but ENTube. Indeed, these successive copulations are drawn from (if you recognized other films, leave us a message). Several European deputies expressed their consternation, even their anger. a British deputy, Ploughing this time, considered it regrettable that the European movies are tiny room with scenes of bottom. The Commission defended for its part the "freedom of expression" and the "artistic creativity". In any case, this video arouses interest: it was viewed nearly 30, which resounds with each European official demonstration, will also diffuse one on large screen this anthem with the pleasure. The choice of animation had been made besides in order to facilitate the identification of the spectators: the abstraction of the drawings forcant them to adapt the characters. Through this artistic choice is that it confers on film a strange hermetic patina which makes desperate our efforts to take part in the account. It is nevertheless a shame to remain passive in front of a so poignant account (I would have liked to shout, laugh, cry). Some points of humour recall us that we are with the cinema but, as a whole, the emotion misses beautiful and quite. The will to universalize the matter undoubtedly emptied its substance this voyage initiatory in the spirit of a young person iranienne.Ce who is a pity all the more that the voices of Chiara Mastroianni and his/her mother, Catherine Deneuve, would give us almost desire for seeing them into live. Would be this only because this film obtained the price of the jury to the last festival of Cannes. Ratatouille treats to a section of the boxoffice 47 million biftons for the Parisian rat. It is well, but not sufficient had made 60 million whereas. In France, there is no doubt that the film will case, more especially as it will be the last of the series to be left and that it will have time to be expressed: in the cowboys, arrive in the next weeks and seriously will cut grass under the foot to him. The weekend finished to 33 million $ for John McClane Die Hard 4 Live Free gold Die Hard. Taking into account the rather tight estimate of film of Fox (of pyrotechnics certainly but any cgi), the result is satisfactory (n°.2 with the B-O). left in the rooms but obviously the film caught cold: hardly 500 copies and some couples in search for peace mislaid in the rooms. It is thus official, the film is a gross bouzasse. All those which did not see in rooms can from now on be caught up with with the exit of the DVD. Black Mamba you had said much good of it. You will be able to also return account to you if you are atteint(e) of. It is a very serious evil since it struck about fifteen spectators in Japan, last May. people were smelled badly at a quite precise time of film: when Rinko Kikuchi is in a night club. The strobe lightings and their "highly stimulative effects" would be in question according to the Japanese distributor. Gaga Communications (that is not invented, a similar name. Warnings were thus placed in the cinemas, the press and on Internet. We thus await your reactions (Hé, Black Mamba, you felt badly too. Best Of blogs cinema: Watchmen, Ben Affleck and Wo. Iron Man: new explosive trailer card not, thank you j'.essaie d'.arrêter. Travel in the Center of the Earth 3d: the ball with cen. Millenium: the whodunnit phenomenon soon with l'.écran. Ch’.tis: Welcome in the records. Cannes: Indiana Jones and the cranium of Gilles Jacob. Low hand on the City: to see Naples and construir. Oscar: Marion Cotillard, like a sparrow fallen from N Entourage: with the hooks of new the star. Razzies: Lindsay Lohan stronger than Marion Coti. Oscar: when the Maffia equips Angelina Jolie. Welcome at Chtis does not lose North Oscar: Marion Cotillard piaffe of joy Best of blogs cinema: manga, paname and western Be Kind Rewind: new trailer card, new polémiq. Mall: Brian De Palma Answers Tony Montana. Welcome at Ch'.tis: paperboard in North. HD DVD takes Blu in the ray. Kate Beckinsale, a culottée actress 3H10 for Yuma: 2 d’.arrêt minutes on a good west. Zabriskie Not: road movie explosive Lindsay Lohan poses naked like Maryline Monroe. Benjamin Gates and the Book of the Secrecies: making of. Best Of of the blogs cinema: scoop, robots and clones. Welcome at Ch’.tis: good a ch’.tite comé. Three stars to continue the role d'.Heath Ledger Ben Laden: but it is where, brothel. Kanye West: a video which has trunk Indiana Jones 4: a trailer card to give shivers. Wars Star: The Wars Clone, first images Semi-Pro: torrid photographs of Heidi Klum. Poker: "Large The", a trailer card which plays large Winch Largo: a trailer card in Tomer…. Simpson. Flickr: photographs of CinéBlogywood. Jackson and even balanced a baballe in let us roustons of Ben Stiller. Of American cinema, it will be much question but not only: the cinéphilie does not know borders. With the synopsis: trailers (trailer cards, teasers), extracted video, photographs, good infos, buzz. Blows of heart and blows of mouth.
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