Mar 4, 2008
Picture of Viburnum
Botani garden and Botani museum, Berlin Dahlem on this patch are shown plants, whose application is disputed in the school medicine or straight discussed. For this one was to be known, be demonstrated da?auch the effect mechanisms of the plants, those on the other patches still by no means all. Berry beeren-Eibe, Taxus baccata (N1 - edge of patch) Kleinbl?ges Weidenr?hen, Epilobium parviflorum Kurzbl?rige eibe, Taxus brevifolia (G2 - edge of patch) hardwood Mistel, Viscum album subsp. B: Plants for calming, Schlaff?erung and to the St?ung D: Traditionally applied anti-diabetes means without proven genuine Gei?aute, Galega officinalis E: Medicinal plants against Erk?ungs and breath way illnesses E1: To the increase of nonspecific defense functions and against feverful Erk?ungskrankhiten ("flu means") mountain rose, Pink one pendulina (edge patch O1) common sand thorn, Hippophae of rhamnoides (edge patch O1) Hunds rose, Pink one canina (edge patch O1) potato rose, Pink one rugosa (edge patch O1) schlehe, black thorn, Prunus spinosa (edge patch O3) black johannisbeere, Ribes nigrum (MD3, edge of patch) black elder, Sambucus nigra (edge patch O1) silver pasture, Salix alba (edge patch O1) summer lime tree, Tilia platyphyllos (MD3, edge of patch). Winter lime tree, Tilia cordata (MD3, edge of patch) Abendl?i lebensbaum, Thuja occidentalis E2: Germ-restraining and Auswurff?ernde drugs mountain Kiefer, latsche, Pinus mugo (edge patch O4) genuine chamomile, Matricaria chamomilla (HW2, genuine Salbei, Gartensalbei, Salvia stands officinalis genuine thymian, Gartenthymian, thymus vulgaris for Europ?che Haselwurz, Asarum europaeum field feld-Thymian, Quendel, thymus serpyllum peppermint, Mentha x piperita on F, (savage stands fenchel, Foeniculum vulgare subsp on. Genuine eibisch, Samtpappel, Althaea officinalis savage Malve, Ro?appel, Malva sylvestris summer lime tree, Tilia platyphyllos (MD3, edge of patch) winter lime tree, Tilia cordata (MD3, edge of patch) Dichtbl?ge K?gskerze, Verbascum densiflorum genuine Schl?elblume, Primula veris high Schl?elblume, Primula elatior S?olz, Glycyrrhiza glabra (also f?Echtes Hirtent?helkraut, Capsella stands bursa pastoris for Europ?cher Wolfstrapp, Lycopus europaeus Kirschbl?riger schneeball, Viburnum prunifolium M?hspfeffer, Keuschbaum, Vitex agnus castus G: Medicinal plants against complaints of the Gef?ystem (at the same time means against dismantling and age features) G3: Funktionsst?ngen of the Venen and capillaries (and on edge patch O4. also f?Indikation HW2) Abendl?i lebensbaum, Thuja occidentalis berry beeren-Eibe, Taxus baccata (N1, edge of patch) common worm fern, Dryopteris filix mas Kurzbl?rige eibe, Taxus brevifolia (G2, laurel cherry, Prunus laurocerasus (edge patch CO2) red thimble, Digitalis purpurea (also on H) Zweih?ige Zaunr?, Red Zaunr?, Bryonia Gew?licher stechapfel, Datura stramonium herbstzeitlose, Colchicum autumnale (also f?Schwarzes bilsenkraut, Hyoscyamus the Niger stands (stands also f?H: Medicinal plants against heart and cycle complaints Eingriffliger Wei?orn, Crataegus monogyna Fr?ings Adonisr?hen, Adonis vernalis F?steiniger Wei?orn, Crataegus pentagyna Rostbl?rige alpine rose, Rhododendron ferrugineum Schwarzfr?tiger Wei?orn, Crataegus nigra Zahnstocher Knorpelm?e, Ammi visnaga Zweigriffliger Wei?orn, Crataegus laevigata HW: Plants for the treatment of skin diseases, wounds and Chamissos arnica, Arnica chamissonis subsp. HW2: Striking and Schleimhautentz?ungen, wounds horsetail, Equisetum arvense (stands on N1) support horn clover, Greek hay, Trigonella foenum graecum genuine Walnu? Juglans regia (G2, edge of patch) Gro? Knorpelm?e, Ammi majus seed flax, flax, Linum usitatissimum game Stiefm?erchen, Viola tricolor zitter-Pappel, Populus tremula (edge patch O4) L: Medicinal plants against liver and Gallebeschwerden artichoke, Cynara cardunculus (stands on MD1) Benediktenkraut, Cnicus benedictus (stands on MD1) bitter loop flower, Iberis amara (stands on MD1) common sheep sheaf, Achillea millefolium (stands on MD1) common L?nzahn, Taraxacum officinale (stands for K?el, Carum on carvi (also f?MD4) radish, Radi, Raphanus stands sativus var. Wei?r Andorn, common Andorn, Marrubium vulgare Wermuth, Absinth, Artemisia absinthium (stands on MD1) MD1: Magenst?ende and verdauungsf?ernde artichoke, Cynara cardunculus (also f?Benediktenkraut, Cnicus stands benedictus (also f?Bittere loop flower, Iberis stands amara (also f?Echter Salbei, Gartensalbei, Salvia stands officinalis genuine Tausendg?enkraut, of Centaurium erythraea common sheep sheaf, Achillea millefolium (also common L?nzahn, Taraxacum officinale stands (heath heide-Wacholder stands, of June Peru COMM universities (edge patch CO2) Wei?r Andorn, common Andorn, Marrubium vulgare savages fenchel, Foeniculum vulgare subsp. Black johannisbeere, Ribes nigrum (MD3, edge of patch) genuine eibisch, Samtpappel, Althaea officinalis seed flax, flax, Linum usitatissimum S?olz, Glycyrrhiza glabra (stands on E4) Wei?ohl, Wei?raut, Brassica oleracea. Wild Malve, Ro?appel, Malva sylvestris K?el, Carum carvi (stands on L) black bilsenkraut, Hyoscyamus the Niger (stands for faulbaum, powder wood, Frangula on alnus (edge patch CO2) Handf?iger Rhabarber, Rheum palmatum var. One well ash, flower ash, Fraxinus ornus (edge patch PUR-GREED cross thorn, Frangula purshiana (edge patch CO2) seed flax, flax, Linum usitatissimum miracle tree, Palma Cristi, Ricinus COMM universities common brombeere, Rubus fruticosus (edge patch O3) pedunculate oak, Quercus robur (HW2, edge of patch) grape/cluster oak, Quercus petraea (HW2, edge of patch) N: Medicinal plants against complaints in the Urogenitaltrakt ("kidney N1: Urine-driving means to the Durchsp?ng of of the deriving urinary passages when entz?lichen illnesses horsetail, Equisetum arvense (also f?Gew?liche couch grass, Elytrigia stands repens for H?e h?e-Birke, Wei?Birke, Betula pendula Liebst?el, Maggikraut, Levisticum officinale black johannisbeere, Ribes nigrum (MD3, edge of patch) N2: Means to the St?ung of the blister function (in particular with attraction blister and Prostata Vergr?rung) Kleinbl?ges Weidenr?hen, Epilobium standing on the edge patches (O1 - O4, or on that. The kinds listed here are to be found also under the respective areas of application. Gro?r Meertr?el, Ephedra major subsp. Eingriffliger Wei?orn, Crataegus monogyna (H) F?steiniger Wei?orn, Crataegus pentagyna Schwarzfr?tiger Wei?orn, Crataegus nigra Zweigriffliger Wei?orn, Crataegus laevigata Kirschbl?riger schneeball, Viburnum prunifolium M?hspfeffer, Keuschbaum, Vitex agnus castus Abendl?i lebensbaum, Thuja occidentalis mountain Kiefer, latsche, Pinus mugo (E2, R) one well ash, flower ash, Fraxinus ornus (MD5) Kurzbl?rige eibe, Taxus brevifolia (A, Gi1) H?e h?e-Birke, Wei?Birke, Betula pendula Rostbl?rige alpine rose, Rhododendron ferrugineum R: Medicinal plants against rheumatism tables illnesses and against mountain Kiefer, latsche, Pinus mugo (edge patch O4) Breitbl?rige Kalmie, Kalmia latifolia Chamissos arnica, Arnica chamissonis subsp. H?e h?e-Birke, Wei?Birke, Betula pendula (N1, Halbstrauchiger Cayennepfeffer, Chillies, Capsicum frutescens heath heide-Wacholder, of June Peru COMM universities (edge patch CO2) herbstzeitlose, Colchicum autumnale (stands on Gi2) small Brennessel, Urtica urens (stands on N1) Gew?liche couch grass, Elytrigia repens (N1, edge of patch) silver pasture, Salix alba (edge patch O1) Waldkiefer, F?e, Pinus sylvestris (HW2, edge of patch) English Raygras, German Weidelgras, Lolium perenne Gew?liches Kn?lgras, Dactylis glomerata Gew?liches Ruchgras, Anthoxanthum odoratum Timotheegras, meadow Lieschgras, Phleum pratense Sch: Medicinal plants approximately?erfunktion the Schilddr? Europ?cher Wolfstrapp, Lycopus europaeus. Botani garden and Botani museum Berlin Dahlem, free Universit?
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