Mar 14, 2008

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A goal of this library is it the Backgammonliteratur in German language all prospective customer. Vera succeeded it to find nearly all ever in the German?rsetzten B?er and one works st?ig to extend the collection thereby her irgendwann.. If someone from you possesses B?er and pass on m?te, which are here not yet aufgef?t, then writes we are always interested in pieces of news. The book by Paul Magriel "Backgammon" is only only in English available - however this masterpiece wanted we to you with not withheld well-known Backgammonlegenden Jacoby and Crawford to supply in this German expenditure rules and guidances more f?Anf?er and f?en step f?Schritt from the play list and the crucial Er?nungsz?n to the more difficult Z?n in that. This is a book?r Backgammon as. With exception of a result in chapter 1 there are itself no problem definitions, particularly at tournament situations. In this book you find 241 problems, after. For instance problems of the doppler employment in equal parts (Cube Action) become and problems of the Ausf?ung of bestimmer W?e (checker Play) treated that the reader a player with some experience it is, which already a book on level of Paul Magriel.s "Backgammon" read and already some time played Backgammon. Bill Robertie is regarded to that as one of the world-best Backgammon players of the world and as one. Backgammon with the champions of Bill Robertie and Mike Senkiewicz most plays, with which it depends rather on the K?en of the players (like z. by a multiplicity of appropriate publications enriched it already indicates?r so far only a very much limited selection to Backgammon. In the last years the situation has itself somewhat improved, since different good B?er appeared, the more mediates than only the correct pulling of the Er?nungswurfes. this B?er is always concerned primarily with "frozen" positions and does not give to the reader not the opportunity or the Gef?, Spectator with an important match of two. In order to try to f?en this L?e began different people to along-attribute Matches on tournaments. These plays between Top players provide Spa?und for the reader. It is therefore a goal of this book making such plays zug?lich for a gr?ren circle of prospective customers to provide with it the costs as small as keeping m?ich and if n?g and/or essentially founded comments and analyses of experts. Also your play can profit from it, if you get Erkl?ngen from an expert in addition, why the "professionals" at the board determined Z? evenly differently play than that. Genie?n it thus now, spectators with an exciting match. Expenditure presents two players from the east of the USA: Bill Robertie and Mike Senkiewicz Bill Robertie is is years a driving strength in that. Its success gr?en so far is new the WM titles 1983 and 1987 in Monte Carlo, the US open in December 1980, the England championships 1978 and 1979 and the Black&White tournament in. Dar?r outside he was still US remote chess master in the year. Mike Senkiewicz, regular customer New Yorker May fair club, is h?st. a Backgammon contains the US double championships 1989 in Florida, the Black & White of the Classik in Chikago 1980 and the US open in June 1980. Senkiewicz is besides also one the American Top - Scrabble player, wrote, wrote dar?r a book the official Scrabble Turnierregeln and became third with first. Au?rdem is he chess master and was member in the US student team 1970 the world championship in Israel. Backgammon with the champions by Paul Magriel and Billy iron mountain. "Backgammon with the champions" places two best Paul Magriel and Billy iron mountain Magriel to you is one of the f?enden theoreticians in the Backgammon. Author of the verst?lichsten book?r this play with the title "Backgammon", still today a best-seller, he has itself one. 1978 were Magriel winner of the world championships renowned to cancer assistance tournament won it twice wrote it f?die Backgammon column the New York Times. outside published?r Paul Magriel numerous articles in well-known. Player of the world class, is the only 5-fold Bridge world champion. Tournament successes: thus it won among other things 1975 the world championship and still in the same year the international tournament of Cannes became it winner in Clearwater, Florida, delivered US open. The Verdoppelungsw?el becomes also. The correct play with the Verdoppelungsw?el is analyzed in nearly 100 positions, in addition the probability of profit becomes f?jede side (inclusive Ausf?lich illustrated with diagrams. Jeff Ward is a well-known Backgammonexperte and member "committee of the experts", a selection from the Backgammonzeitschriften, and goes? to the 7 urspr?lichen players, who were ausgew?t f?diese honour. Billy iron mountain, Bob Ciaffone, Barclay Cooke, Danny Kleinman, Paul. The final of the amateur double world championships 1979. more f?Anf?er and do K?er reach of George W. Spielregeln become also m?iche course combinations, masterful cheat and Gegenz? shown, with which you make to create your opponent. Finch and Guido fox are inspired Backgammonspieler. have all cheat and tried course combinations out themselves. The book offers a founded Einf?ung in erl?ert and by numerous diagrams well illustrates the appendix enth? a glossary and the "official rules. Profits with 115 illustrations and 6 tables. As it the play at the best er?nen. As you the Er?nung answer. All M?ichkeiten of an individual throw. As you tactically and strategically skillfully play. "caution case": Cheat, on which you do not fall. Alfred black is an experienced Backgammonspieler and Pr?dent clear, thought out and vollst?ige treatment of this fascinating. It is both more f?Anf?er, and f?Fortgeschrittene suitably, those in this book valuable Tipps and Ratschl? find. Backgammonspieler is also called w?st from day to day of plays on the Pavla board, or like it "Puffbrett", but gives it many. In this book above all such are introduced, which are practically unknown in the German-speaking countries - in such a way z. Esir, Hespe and Hep Yek, Gatanget, Revertier and trick TRACK of the author developed "Malva Tavla". more f?Einsteiger of Enno Heyken and Martin B. Aufbau, the simple texts and numerous illustrations put Anf?er into the position, already after quite short time selbstst?ig too. The comments on Spielz?n and also to alternatives clarify. The play types as run -, blockade and retaining play become on the basis of. At the end of the chapters the authors seize most important the in each case. Fischer besch?igten themselves for years professionally with Backgammon theory and training and have themselves dar?r outside in chess and by their journalistic T?gkeit. Backgammon f?Fortgeschrittene. of Enno Heyken and Martin B. If one left the first stage of Backgammon learning behind itself, one comes sometime to a play against a advanced. With the description of this situation the book begins and offers to the reader in the further process the ideas, which it must understand, so that itself its play improved and it knows the alleged errors of the experts (humans and machines) as the w?igen, which they are real. First, despite in the following aufgef?ten points of criticism: "Backgammon f?Fortgeschrittene" should have read everyone, more deeply into the play enters m?te. the Backgammon will be the basis erkl? and with examples. Who wants to leave the level of this book, does not come around around further literature and play practice, but f?die 1000 portions which can be played up to then is it a valuable companion. The book suffers something from the balance lacking between Prosa and technology, then the Erl?erung of the points of board is somewhat erm?nd long, the discussion of the Er?nungen. The Erl?erungen and examples succeeded to doublings, Backgame and probabilities to the ranges, on the other hand the "test" f?t, which is to probably serve learning control, but are missing unpleasantly on in the book, then are the results of the computer Rollouts of certain Er?nungsz? do not contain and the important topic. One unfortunately in vain, also a contact list looks for sources of information to clubs the w?e book again revaluations, because Backgammon learn hei?. Backgammon manual "turns to everything, those the attraction this leichtverst?liche text and the continuous two-colored diagrams presents the most important play ideas. Chatting clay/tone obtain, and the Anf?er is already in k?ester time in a the position to play selbstst?ig and ausf?liche commentating one of the most interesting tournament plays of the last years (ball pool of broadcasting corporations - Robertie) makes this book more f?Anf?er the indispensable turn consulting and progressing. Fischer besch?igten themselves for years professionally with Backgammon theory and training and have themselves dar?r outside in chess and by their journalistic T?gkeit. f?mal Backgammon world champions, erkl? the fundamental ideas of the play and erl?ert on the basis f? different, gro?n portions. All classical strategic problems are discussed and the already experienced player new techniques and. With?r 200 diagrams descriptive shown of Paul Magriel, 404 sides, English. "Backgammon" erkl? the basic concepts, theoretical ideas and strategic principles in a particularly clear and pr?sen. The book is each seriously interested Backgammonspieler. Trictrac (also Puff or Backgammon called) geh?en apart from lady, M?e and other board plays to the most popular Besch?igungen of the medieval aristocracy in Europe since salischer time rarely, but the number of the chessmen and Brettspielsteine is with several hundred St? remarkably gro? The comprehensive treatment of these gegenst?lichen certifications of medieval play joy by Antje intelligent Pinsker has numerous new realizations results in both groups so far under art-historical and style-historical questions was predominantly regarded, is located in this volume arch?ogische criteria more st?er in the foreground betr?tlicher part of the verf?aren material originates from arch?ogischen excavations and er?net in the synopsis with that usually qualit?volleren examples from Kirchensch?en and collections new Erkenntnism?ichkeiten for the history of these plays. Fundzusammenh?e give Aufschl?e for time position, to figure development and for the description of the circle of acquaintances of the players. The richly equipped book with numerous, partially colored illustrations reflects a culture-historically high-interesting cutout of the medieval everyday life world in scientifically more founded and at the same time generally verst?licher representation again and sky chess - board and W?elspiele in the Middle Ages the Middle Ages was in multiple regard a life-glad epoch, a time of k?tlerischer Kreativit?und innovation, a time of the gel honouring SAMNESS, above all in addition, a playful time. Plays served Verh?nis of humans as metaphor f?das for the Sch?ung, were the subject of scholarly discourse, p?gogisches instrument, or Freizeitbesch?igung more or less cultivated. these aspects form the frameworks of medieval play culture. Backgammon: ITS HISTORY AND PRACTICE. Backgammon of refuge Dieter other heaths already 5000 years old and still today one of the most popular plays of the world: Backgammon requires speed, planning and decision joy and remains exciting up to the end. Other heaths erkl? the fundamental ideas and erl?ert by descriptive examples classical strategies and special cheat f?Spiel and to hobby Bew?te and new play ideas f?die whole family rules and techniques descriptive erkl? Numerous illustrations. Play, its exit apparent of the W?elgl? one determines, is pleased. "triumphant advance" of the Backgammons began w haupts?lich in the postwar years and became by the organization of tournaments alone f?das result determining?, w? Backgammon at best. That is however not like that: Strategy and tactics, probability computation and a vision of the play development. Although the rules are very easy, these characteristics from Backgammon make a play of the elevated Anspr?e. Tournaments with juicy prize moneys f?ern the authority and the level increase: "systematically Backgammon" corresponds to this. It is a complex description of the Backgammons and places and the newest theoretical findings in addition, some new. Player (class: Intermediates), is it however zug?lich due to detailed Erkl?ngen also Anf?ern with little experience (class: Beginners). New methods and the koh?nte total view make it also for f? The author?r his book reader?er and view and thus a comprehensive Verst?nis of the Backgammons - contrary to other B?ern, which are often only a connectionless collection of examples. Bill Robertie, 274 sides, gro?ormatig, German?ersetzung this book is a match - book, but it is of v?ig different kind than all B?er, those so far about Backgammon. It treats 2 Matches: Nack Ballard`s Semi - final against Mike Senkiewicz and its final against Howard Markowitz. The plays found the first masters Invitational in Reno/. both Matches are w?end from Nack ballard`s. The n?lichste (and probably also the unterhaltsamste) way to use this book is that, in both Matches f?Nack. whole side with an elbow paper or pasteboard off and pulls itself you then. Thus you open the opposing throw and its course, afterwards Ballard`s throw. Ballard`s W?en (au?r the forced) find you one. Stop on this point and?rlegen yourselves you, which course you make now in this situation at the board. Note this course. Do you cover now Ballard`s for tats?lichen course and the Erkl?ngen given in addition on m?ichen Z? are provided, based with different point values on the difficulty and the importance of the course. Double - decisions find you these lines just like before certain bonus - questions, the other interesting aspects of the. At the end of each play is a section, in which it your pers?iches point result with the m?ichen maximum - number of points compare k?en. They your collected points list and your result with any results of players of different Spielst?en compare. In this form used, this book in the reason a long Quiz represents, daf?geschaffen, your Spielst?e under more or less. Situations, in which you did not get points, the opportunity is to give to improve weak points in your play aufzusp?n and your play thereby selbstverst?lich the readers, that do not have interest in an evaluation of their Spielst?e, which simply as a collection of interesting portions from one to st?sten occupied tournaments, which ever took place, regard book. In the end m?te I with Kent Goulding and barks themselves Pronman thank you, me the quotation of the plays and the production. My thanks go also at Malcolm Davis, to me much valuable historical information out of its archives to. In the play up to the end: Profits in 1-Punkt. Point of A final game easily. Their opponent has only few checker. Opponents an agreement meet m?te, which is the portion worth agressiv should you try a second checker to strike. They the answers to these and other questions?r plays of point of A do not know, should you this book read from a scoring plays around m?ichst vollst?iges picture of it to produce, which in these h?ig occurring situations was real it the play of the K?ge, today is it an exciting pastime f?jedermann: Backgammon, the board play with the packing combinations. Everything that you know?r Backgammon m?en, find in this comprehensive and easily verst?lichen falcon play councellor: Trick TRACKS, Snake, Moultezim and Plakoto. vergn?ichste and fastest way to learn a play is that. always fermented erkl? Them the most important strategies, w?end they the flexible play (flexible Game) more than 200 diagrams, with their none. Anf?erbuch - however more f?Anf?er verst?lich - 140 sides. This is a Backgammon text book, it became bewu? so written that an absolute Anf?er can become with the help of this book a good player. Do not let by the many diagrams discourage are a play, that are very logically developed and likewise are the structure of this book. Basic knowledge is necessary, these however always returns, therefore will it you rather fast admits to be. Technology and tactics of the Backgammons. 144?ungen, which complete you after the study of booking ILS. Thus one plays TAVLI von Klaus Eckhardt and Rainer Birkh?er in each Greek Kafenio can one the Greek M?ern with the Tavli play watch, times they play in expressed Gem?ruhe. and who m?te there not also once at the board to sit and Spielsteine pull. also?r the play contacts become. A kind of play of the Tavli, so-called "haven", is in this country as. But the attraction of the Tavli play lies more in the different technology and tactics of the different play variations, which admit in Greece beside of "haven" are. The book by Klaus Eckhardt and rainer Birkh?er f?t in am?nter form to the interested one into the three gebr?hlichen play variants with its different tactics and cheat, one gro? Number of charts and illustrations make a learning the Vergn?n. with this book and much?ung the conditions are given, even. And also that, which is already m?tig the play, will deepen its knowledge and extends to k?en. The Backgammon magazine (Backgammon Today) class 2000 - 2002 number 1 to 8 in book form as total expenditure. Classical author under the magnifying glass: Jacoby/Crawford "the Dice Girls: Woman power from D?mark interview: Harald Johanni - 10 years Backgammon magazine. The way to success: Mental conditions classical authors under the magnifying glass: Magriel "Backgammon". Open letter to the world-wide Backgammongemeinde. The way to success: The Er?nung classical author under the magnifying glass: Kleinman "vision Laughs RK interview: Ralf Jonas - winners of the masters in Paris. The way to success: The Verdopplungsw?el reference positions: A stone in the back on the bar interview: Henrik Bodholdt and Asger Kring guest article: Wer dares against Falafel. Book review: Standard Wiggins Boards, Blots and Slots. Guest article: to ACCELerated by Nack ball pool of broadcasting corporations pipcount. Japan open: "East But emergency leases" classical authors under the magnifying glass: Bill Robertie "Advanced book review: Jeremy Bagai's "Classic Backgammon. Classical author under the magnifying glass: Epilog the way to success: Part 5: The match

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